
Class Design Seminar

  • Presentation


    "What should we know about Design, when only Design we know?"
    This is the motto of this Curricular Unit that aims to broaden the perception and knowledge about Design. It develops on the principle that, as knowledge changes, evolves, we ask new kinds of questions, which could not have been foreseen.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    • Presentation and analysis of "Case Studies", within the scope of Design action
    • Polarity and oxymoron definition
    • Polarities of Euphoric/Dysphoric, Syncrony/Diachrony, Action/Inaction, Polychrome/Monochrome
    • Transformation and Transition Processes
    • Plausible Content, Causal Conviction and Causal Concatenation Definition
    • Communication Processes: Information, Objectives and Actions
    • Intrinsic and Extrinsic Information Units
  • Objectives


    • Aims the integration of several domains.
    • Aims the knowledge and models transition and transformation between domains.
    • Aims at discovering and bringing together different perspectives.
    • Develops capacities for curiosity, enquiry and exploration.
    • Aims the perception of inhospitable and welcoming environments, within the scope of Design.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The exposed contents and the exercises carried in this curricular unit, as well as the results obtained, result from methodologies oriented to the concept of information domain, that are related through dynamics of "transformation", that occurs when its characteristics translate an alteration or a modification which gave way to a new "form". A change from one "form" into another, a metamorphosis. Or by “transition”, which occurs when its information characteristics represent an intermediate state, a change from one condition to another, a path.

  • References


    • Cabanas, E., Illouz, E., (2019), A ditadura da felicidade - Como a ciência da felicidade controla as nossas vidas, Lisboa: Temas de Debates
    • Johnson, S., (2011), As ideias que mudaram o mundo, Lisboa: Clube do Autor
    • Pasternak, C., (2009), O que nos torna humanos?, Lisboa: Texto e Grafia
    • Rutherford, A., (2020), O Livro dos Humanos - Uma breve história, fascinante e divertida, de como chegámos aqui, Porto Salvo: Desassossego
    • Shaw, Julia; (2016), A Ilusão da Memória. Temas e Debates: Círculo de Leitores. Lisboa




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