
Class Criminalization and Juspsychological Intervention

  • Presentation


    This uc, drawing from the knowledge obtained in Legal and Forensic Psychology, aims for students to understand the meaning of the act and process of criminalization, to know the respective phases, the actors who pontificate in them and to be able to trace the punitive trajectory. The jus-psychological perspective, in the logic of scientific intercontribution, is the matrix for reading and analyzing the speeches of criminalization actors, understanding the messages exchanged, the sharing of information and their effects on the configuration of the criminalizing process
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Criminalization: concept and object. Act and process. Process stages. Social actors and scenarios. Historicity and geography of criminalization. The law: speeches and intradiscourses. From transgressed law to applied law. Discursive interactions: reciprocal interference of discourses and practices. Circularity of messages and contribution to the criminalizing architecture. Psychocriminal and juspsychological analysis of discursive interactions. Fluctuations of the criminalizing axis: causes.

    sychology and Criminology implicit and evolution towards explicitness. Juspsychological intervention and formal control devices. Informal reaction and the possibilities for intervention. Juspsychological intervention programs: transversality

  • Objectives


    The CU aims to explain the intricacies of criminalization, both institutionally and in the social context, showing the system of interactions that is drawn between the different phases of the process. Furthermore, the operationalization of the juspsychological intervention in the criminal context is made explicit, including the movements traced by the various control devices, whether judicial and prison, mental health and education. It is intended that students master the criminalizing circuit from the preparation of the law to the execution of the measure and reinsertion.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methodology used, in addition to the expository part, used mainly in the first classes, favors debate with students based on topics from the syllabus and texts that will be analyzed in practical classes.
    There will be initiatives specially designed for this uc, in particular seminars and invitations to professionals
  • References


    • Agra, C., Fonseca, E., Quintas, J. & Poiares, C. A. (1998). A criminalização da droga: da emergência à aplicação da lei. Lisboa: GPCCD
    • Clemente, M. (Coord.), (1998). Fundamentos de la Psicología Jurídica. Madrid: Ediciones Pirámide.
    • Digneffe, F. (Coord.) (1990). Acteur sociale et délinquance. Bruxelles: Pierre Mardaga. Goffman, E. (1990). Manicômios, prisões & conventos. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.
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