
Class Psychology of Development

  • Presentation


    Developmental theories can help social educators understand the transformations of human beings throughout their lives and how human development works at all stages of their development throughout life. Studying aspects of cognitive, affective, and social human development allows students to understand how people develop and learn throughout their lives, which can benefit socio-educational practice.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction
      1. Introduction to Developmental Psychology
      2. Nature versus Nurture
      3. The concept of Neoteny
      4. The process of socialization
    2. Theoretical Perspectives of Development
      1. Psychoanalytic theories of development
        1. Psychosexual Stages in S. Freud
        2. Psychosocial Stages in E.H. Erikson
      2. Cognitive theories of development
        1. Stages of cognitive development in J. Piaget's
        2. Development of mathematical competence. Development of problem-solving strategies.
      3. Biological theories of development
        1. Affective dependence in H. Harlow's rhesus monkeys.
        2. The concept of "imprinting" in K. Lorenz.
        3. J. Bowlby's theory of attachment. The "Strange Situation" of M. Ainsworth
      4. Theory of moral development
        1. Types of morality: heteronomous vs autonomous in J. Piaget
        2. Levels and stages of moral development in Kohlberg
  • Objectives


    The student should acquire knowledge about the theories of development and the socialization process and develop competence to reflect critically on the theories of development in the light of the socialisation process.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Theoretical and theoretical-practical classes: Exposure of academic contents, interrogative method, debate of ideas, practical dialectic-feedback-review, demonstrative approach using audio visual resources (videos), group discussions, abstracts, construction of conceptual maps, deconstruction of scientific articles.


    Evaluation modality: (i) Attendance and participation implies 75% presences (10%); (ii) Continuous evaluation: abstracts, construction of conceptual maps and deconstruction of scientific articles (40%); (iii) Final evaluation: written work with oral presentation and defence (50%). The time of appeal consists of practical work with a weighting of 100% in the final note, which will focus on all theoretical and practical contents.

  • References


    Gould, S. J. (1997). O polegar do panda: reflexões sobre história natural (Cap 9. Uma homenagem biológica a Mickey Mouse). Gradiva.

    Magalhães, T. C. & Sousa, O. S. (2008). Quem sou eu? O adolescente e seu olhar sobre si mesmo (Cap. 1. Fundamentação teórica). Alínea

    Miranda, G. L., & Bahia, S. (Orgs.). (2005). Psicologia da educação: temas de desenvolvimento, aprendizagem e ensino. (Parte II – Aprendizagem, Memória e Motivação). Relógio d’Água

    Musgrave, P. W. (1994). Sociologia da Educação. Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.

    Morris, D. (1968). O Macaco Nu (Cap. 1. Origens). Europa-América.

    Veríssimo, R. (2002). Desenvolvimento psicossocial [Erik Erikson]. Faculdade de Medicina do Porto


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