
Class Project Design and Monitoring

  • Presentation


    The Curricular Unit of Conception and Monitoring of Projects aims to provide students with the theoretical, methodological and practical knowledge necessary for the design, development, and evaluation of projects in the area of Social Education.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    A. Contextualization of the theme of the Curricular Unit in current society and in social education


    B. The project and its multiple meanings

    1. The project as a concept;
    2. The project as methodology;
    3. The project as an output.


    C. The implementation of a quality project

    1. The design of the project and the processes of diagnosis and planning;
    2. The operationalization of the project and the development of good practices;
    3. The processes of monitoring and evaluation of projects;
    4. People and teams as key actors in the development of the project;
    5. The tools of diagnosis, planning and evaluation, and the sustainability of the project.


    D. Preparation of a Unesco Club application, considering:

    1. The rules established by the Unesco National Commission;
    2. The purposes of an innovative intervention by project;
    3. The phases necessary for the implementation of a quality project (rationale, development monitoring and evaluation).
  • Objectives


    At the end of the Curricular Unit, the students should be able to:

    1. Situate their role as social educator in design and project development processes;
    2. Apply the knowledge acquired in the development of a project;
    3. Reflect on the process of building the project, the skills mobilized, and the challenges and outcomes achieved.
  • References


    Ander-Egg, E., & Idañez, M. J. (2005). Como elaborar um proyecto: Guia para diseñar proyectos sociales y culturales. Lúmen Humanitas.

    Barbier, J. M. (1996). Elaboração de projetos de ação e planificação. Porto Editora.

    Carvalho, A. D., & Baptista, I. (2004). Educação social: Fundamentos e estratégias. Porto Editora.

    Leite, E., Malpique, M., & Santos, M. R. (1991). Trabalho de projecto I. Aprender por projectos centrados em problemas. Edições Afrontamento.

    Leite, E., Malpique, M., & Santos, M. R .(1993). Trabalho de projecto II. Leituras comentadas. Edições Afrontamento.

    Serrano, G. (2008). Elaboração de projectos sociais. Casos práticos. Porto Editora.


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