
Class Audiovisual Collections Management

  • Presentation


    First, this curricular unit aims to strengthen the specific knowledge of students about the past and present of film archive management; secondly, to foster the critical ability to interpret and intervene in the context of contemporary preservation practices.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The syllabus of this curricular unit is divided into a historical perspective on the origins of audiovisual archives based on the Portuguese politics of heritage preservation and a critical analysis of contemporary preservation practices.

    The analytic component considers the different dynamics involved in the management of audiovisual archives today, including:
    - management of film collections and non-film collections

    - preservation and exhibition policies;
    - legal deposit;
    - challenges presented by digitalisation and dematerialisation processes; - the role of the Internet and alternative archival systems.

    - The role of internet for the management of new forms of audiovisual collectiions

    For the practical part, we will visit several audiovisual archives in Portugal.

  • Objectives


    This curricular unit aims to achieve two learning macro-objectives.
    First, the students will acquire a better understanding of the origins of audiovisual archives and the preservation practices of filmic artefacts. This historical knowledge will be complemented by the ability to critically interpret the sociocultural values involved in the specific configurations assumed by audiovisual archives over time.
    Second, students will acquire skills to better interpret the complex political, economic, and cultural problematics affecting the management of audiovisual archives. In addition, these skills will entail the capability of formulating informed, critical, and creative proposals to address contradictions in contemporary archival contexts.

  • References


    Revista de Museus #2 (2019). Lisboa: Direc¿a¿o Geral do Patrimo¿nio Cultural.

    Rediscovering the Role of Film Archives: to Preserve and to Show. Proceedings of the FIAF Symposium held in Lisboa in 1989, (1990). Lisboa: Cinemateca Portuguesa.

    FOSSATI, Giovanna & VAN DEN OEVER, Annie (2016), Exposing the film apparatus: the film archive as a research laboratory, Amsterda¿o: Amsterdam University Press.

    FRANCIS, David, CHERCHI USAI, Paolo, HORWATH, Alexander & LOEBENSTEIN, Michael (2020), Film curatorship - Archives, museums, and the digital marketplace, Viena: Synema Gesellschaft fur Film u. Medien.

    FRICK, Caroline (2011), Saving cinema: the politics of preservation, Oxford: Oxford University Press. LE ROY, E¿ric (2013), Cine¿mathe¿ques et archives du film, Paris: Armand Colin.

    RASCAROLI, Laura, YOUNG, Gwenda & MONAHAN, Barry (2014), Amateur filmmaking: the home movie, the archive, the web, Londres: Bloomsbury Publishing.

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