
Class Cyberculture

  • Presentation


    The course aims to study the events related to the emergence of the internet and online culture and the way they shape behavior in individual and social terms.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction - definition of concepts
    1.1. From culture to cyberculture
    1.2. Cyberculture as a culture
    1.3. Men and machines: the question of technique as a fundamental way to understand contemporary culture
    2. The virtual
    2.1. The emergence of cyberspace. Causes.
    2.2. The interactivity
    3. Identities
    3.1. Life on the screen
    3.2. The influence of the internet on the notions of identity
    3.3. Simulacra and representations
    3.4. Body, cyborg and subjectivity
    3.5. Techno-human and post-human
    4. Cyberculture and society
    4.1. Interaction
    4.2. Interconnection
    4.3. Virtual communities: social media
    4.4. Cyberpolitics and cyberactivism
    4.5. Hackers, cyberwar and cyber espionage
    4.6. Collaborative culture
    4.7. Changes in education, economics and knowledge
    5. Technological arts
    5.1. Interactivity and hybridity
    6. Criticism of cyberculture
    6.1. Totalitarianism, domination and business
    6.2. Loss and conflicts of interest
    7. Artificial intelligence and generative models
  • Objectives


    Ability to critically approach the notion of cyberculture by comparison with the classic notion of "culture". Ability to disentangle some fundamental theoretical aspects of cyberculture (authors and currents). Ability to approach contemporary culture in relation to the crucial issue of technique and its mutations. Ability to elaborate a general mapping on the main issues of cyberculture, including its various practical applications. The influence of new networked cultures and communication.
  • References


    • JUNQUEIRO, Raul. A idade do conhecimento ¿ A nova era digital. Editorial Notícias: Lisboa, 2002

      KEEN, Andrew. The cult of the amateur. Ed. Nicholas Brealy: London and Boston, 2008

      LÉVY, Pierre. Cibercultura. Inst. Piaget: Lisboa, 1997

      MANOVICH, Lev. The language of new media. MIT Press: CA | MA, 2001

      MIRANDA, J.A. Bragança. Teoria da Cultura. Ed. Sec. XXI: Lisboa, 2007

      POSTER, Mark. A segunda era dos media. Ed. Celta: Oeiras, 2000

      TURKLE, Sherry. A vida no ecrã. Relógio d´Água, Lisboa, 1997

    • TURNER, Fred. From counterculture to cyberculture. Univ. of Chicago Press, 2006

    • WOOD, Aylish. Digital encounters. Routledge: London & NYC, 2007


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