
Class Sociology of Fashion and Consumer Affairs

  • Presentation


    The Sociology of Fashion and Consumption curricular unit aims to encourage students to acquire knowledge and develop skills that allow them to know the concept of sociology of fashion, how it works, what effects it has on the consumer, its structure and segmentation .

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    What is sociology; sociological thinking;
    Interconnection between sociology and fashion;
    The social movements that most influenced fashion.
    Discussion of current topics such as slow and fast fashion, sustainability, global fashion;
    Fashion Concept in the contemporary society; urban fashion in the social role; the age of hyperconsumption;


  • Objectives


    Distinguish the typology of sociological and consumer thinking, and know how to carry out different types of analogies and interpretations, critically analyze data from social behavior and how it affects acts of consumption, as well as understanding its relevance. It is also provided the conceptual framework that will allow students to know the structure of these elements and be able to observe and later apply.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Methods and techniques used: expository-dialogical method; group discussion techniques. Through the expository-dialogical method, the presentation of the syllabus is privileged, and a space for dialogue with students is created, based on the analysis of practical cases, within which they share their reflections on the topics covered. In classes, group work is also privileged, in order to develop skills, both individual and social. The evaluation process is continuous, in order to regularly assess the acquisition of these skills.

  • References


    • BARTHES, F. (1963). O sistema da Moda. 1981, Ediç¿es 70, Lisboa; BARNARD, Malcolm. (2003). Moda e Comunicação. Rio de Janeiro, Rocco, Brasil. 
    • BAUMAN, Zygmunt (2007), Vida de Consumo. Fondo de Cultura Económica.; DUARTE, Cristina L. (2004), O que é Moda. Lisboa: Quimera Editores.
    • ENTWISTLE, Joanne (2002), El Cuerpo y la Moda. Una Visión Sociológica. Barcelona, Paidós Contextos.; LIPOVETSKY, Gilles. (1987). O império do Efémero - A moda e o seu destino nas sociedades modernas. D. Quixote, Lisboa; LIPOVETSKY, Gilles (2007), A felicidade paradoxal: ensaio sobre a sociedade do hiperconsumo. Lisboa, Edições 70.
    • LOURENÇO, J.F. (2006). A Invenção da Modernidade (Sobre Arte, Literatura e Musica) Charles Baudelaire. Clássicos Relógio D’Água, Lisboa. Foucault, M. (1994). Dits et écris 1954-1988. Editora Daniel Defert, Françpois Ewald e Jacques Lagrange, 4 vols. Paris, Gallimard. 

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