
Class Society, Audiences and Media

  • Presentation


    This course exists at the intersection of Sociology, Communication Sciences, Philosophy, and Sociology of Communication. It provides a context for the class to engage in contemporary debates about communication and society and helps to understand how journalism currently exists within a complex ecosystem of communications that is constitutive of the current experience of the world. As these communication relationships have situated social actors behind them, it is also important to consider the power relations that are constitutive of these social positions.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The different schools of thought on the relationship between media and society: a historical overview
    2. Contemporary debates: Habermasian public sphere and its critics; media and politics
    3. Network society: new media and new audiences
    4. New media and everyday life: Deep mediatization
    5. Media, society, and intersectionality
    6. New media and new ideological articulations: the co-optation of sharing and participation, and the necropolitics of regressive communities
    7. Contemporary challenges: between algorithms, informational capitalism, and "green" technology

  • Objectives


    1) Understand, from a social perspective, the contemporary complexity of mediated communication;
    2) Acquire an integrated theoretical perspective on relevant research topics in the field of media studies;
    3) Develop the ability to reflect on contemporary social phenomena;
    4) Understand the processes of deep mediatization associated with new media and their integration into everyday life;
    5) Understand the relationship between media and audiences as dynamic, interactive, and in tension;
    6) Critically know and articulate the various theoretical traditions that reflect on media and society;
    7) Understand the origins of the concept of "public" and its criticisms and transformations;
    8) Articulate the knowledge acquired in the production of innovative reflection on contemporary media phenomena;
    9) Demonstrate the ability to apply knowledge to solve research problems (formulation of research questions and projects, development of research work).

  • References


    Bennett, T. (2005). Theories of the media, theories of society. Em M. Gurevitch, T. Bennett, J. Curran, & J. Woollacott (Eds.), Culture, society, and the media (pp. 36–51). Routledge.

    Couldry, N., & Hepp, A. (2017). The mediated construction of reality. Polity Press.

    Dijk, J. van. (2010). The network society: Social aspects of new media (2.a ed.). Sage Publications.

    Fleig, A., & Scheve, C. von (Eds.). (2019). Public Spheres of Resonance: Constellations of Affect and Language. Routledge.

    Maxwell, R., & Miller, T. (2012). Greening the media. Oxford University Press.

    Silveirinha, M. J. (2005). Democracia deliberativa e reconhecimento: Repensar o espaço político. Em J. C. Correia (Ed.), Comunicação e Política (pp. 147–180). UBI Labcom.

    Torres da Silva, M. (2014). O Público, a Esfera Pública e a Opinião Pública. Em As Cartas dos Leitores na Imprensa Portuguesa: Uma forma de comunicação e debate do público (pp. 7–48). Livros LabCom

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