
Class Research Methods and Techniques in Physical Exercise and Well-being

  • Presentation


    According to the decree 74/2006, a Master in Science should present knowledge and skills to allow the development of an original research. In addition, a MSc should be able to integrate this knowledge and communicate it effectively to all audiences.
    This UC seeks the development of the research methods and skills to support attaining the above mentioned points.
    In summary, methods and skills of literature search and review, research protocol and data analysis are worked in this UC.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The development of the interest and topic
    2. The literature review
    2. a. the online databases
    2. b. standards of bibliographic references (APA)
    2 c. how to organize the literature review
    3. The method
    3.a. Study design
    3.b. Choosing the measures and procedures
    4. Data analysis and writing the results
    4.a. What does an association mean
    4.b. Biostatistics

  • Objectives


    1. Develop the capacity for systematic analysis of scientific publications and critical reflection on them.
    - Know the bibliographic research methods available in databases (e.g., Pubmed, Sportdiscus)
    - Develop techniques for reading articles (reading sheets) and presentation of articles
    2. Develop skills and autonomy in the development of scientific projects.
    - Know the elements of a project and its components
    - Develops skills in the preparation of a pre-project
    3. To know and develop quantitative data analysis capabilities.
    - Master, from the user's point of view, the JASP software
    - Dominates the definition of statistical procedures in different analysis scenarios

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    This course is related to the 2nd semester TMIC course, as students develop a group pre-project in MTI that is then individualized and deepened in TMIC.
    Furthermore, students have the opportunity to present and submit their proposals twice, for formative evaluation by the professors. This creates a dynamic in the teaching-learning process where mistakes are seen as opportunities for improvement.
    Lastly, all work proposals are integrated into CIDEFES research lines, promoting a deeper integration between the work developed in the master's program and FEFD research.

  • References


    APA (2009). Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association - 6th Edition. Washington - DC: APA.
    Thomas, J. R. & Nelson, J.K. (2002). Métodos de Pesquisa em Atividade Física. Porto Alegre: Artmed.

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