
Class History of Diplomacy in Portugal

  • Presentation


    It is a curricular unit for the study of societies in Portuguese-speaking countries from colonial to nowadays. It analyzes the traditional forms of organization and the impact that decolonization and
    globalization have provoked on these societies and on the way they are politically organized. It also studies the Lusophone relationship, the modalities of cooperation, and its importance for the role that the Lusophone community may play at the regional level and even in the definition of the New World Order.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The weight of history: the colonial era. The traditional form of social organization. The active and passive miscegenation
    2. Nation-building in the PALOP. The new elite and the patrimonialist vision of the state. Clientelism and corruption. The complexity of nation building.
    3. Lusophony. The difficulty of definition. The existing visions
    4. CPLP. Background: the Congresses of the Communities and the IILP. Formation: the role of José Aparecido de Oliveira. Evolution: statutes, members, organs, associated and advisory observers.

    Current situation:
    5. Cooperation in the Lusophone world. Bilateral Cooperation. Multilateral Cooperation. Trilateral Cooperation.
    From CPLP to the Lusophone Community. The Lusophone Space. Prospective vision: the role of Lusophony in the definition of the New World Order

  • Objectives


    It is intended with this curriculum unit that students are able to: Understand the liabilities and assets of the colonial relationship; Understand the formation of the CPLP as an initial milestone towards the construction of a Lusophone Space; Understand the importance of the interdisciplinary approach in the study of societies of the condominium countries of the Portuguese language; Identify the factors that structure the political, economic and cultural rationality in the Lusosphere; Realize the importance of cooperation for regional and global affirmation of the members of the CPLP. In addition, they must understand the post-decolonization conjuncture, develop a critical spirit about the notions of Lusophone space and Lusophony and understand the Lusophone cooperation in its current reality. Finally, they must understand the role that Lusophone countries can assume in the regional context and on a broader level

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The curricular unit is of a theoretical-practical nature and the classes combine the exposition, under the responsibility of the teacher, with the reading and analysis of corpus selected by the teacher and students and that will be available on Moodle. There will be, also, presentation of work done individually or in small groups. Assessment can be continuous or by examination. In continuous assessment, the relative weight of each assessment tool is as follows Participation 5%; 1. Development and presentation of a small individual or small group work 45%; 2. Development of two themes from a list of three, with the possibility of consulting all materials available on Moodle or collected by students, 50%.

  • References


    Graça, P. (1994). O problema do consenso histórico na área lusófona . Lisboa: ISCSP.

    Margarido, A. (2000). A Lusofonia e os lusófonos: novos mitos portugueses . Lisboa: Edições Lusófonas.

    Moreira, A. & Venâncio, J. (Coord.). (2001). Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa . Coimbra: Almedina

    Neves, F. (2013). A Hora da Lusofonia . Lisboa: Edições Lusófonas

    Pinto, J. (2005). Do Império Colonial à Comunidade dos Países de Língua Portuguesa: Continuidades e descontinuidades . Lisboa: Instituto Diplomático do MNE 

    Pinto, J.F. (2011). Da CPLP à Comunidade Lusófona: o futuro da Lusofonia, Revista Angolana de Sociologia, 7, 107-118.

    Vidal, N. & Chabal, P. (Eds.) (2009). Southern Africa: Civil society, politics and donor strategies; Angola, Zimbabwe, Democratic Republic of Congo, Mozambique, Namibia and South Africa . Lisboa: Firmamento


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