
Class Observation and Analysis of Training and Competition

  • Presentation


    Observation and analysis is one of the themes in focus in various areas of society (training, press, university, training of coaches). A professional in the field of Football, whether it be high performance or grassroots, will have to be able to know and critically analyze which concepts, procedures and trends govern his sports. Knowing these aspects is a way to ensure a better level of preparation for competition situations: getting to know your team and your opponent. One of the possible ways to obtain this knowledge is through observation and analysis of training and competition situations. Thus, observing and recording individual and collective behaviors in order to objectively measure them and transform them into scientific and simultaneously relevant / useful information for any technical team, becomes essential. Knowing and mastering valid methods in this context is the possibility of having access to knowledge that can make the difference between evidence and... luck.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Conceptual framework of technical-tactical observation and analysis in football performance

    2. Notational analysis and its application in assessing technique and tactics

    3. Concepts and indicators of performance in football

    4. The observational methodology in the construction of observation instruments in football

    5. The development of an observation system

    6. Systematic observation and analysis in football

    7. Technologies in performance analysis of players and football teams

    8. Freeware and software applied in performance analysis

    9. Database development and manipulation

    10. Modelling performance in football

    11. Methodological foundations for scouting reports in football

    12. Technologies applied to the preparation of scouting reports in football

    13. Exemples of practical models of scouting reports

    14. From the analysis to the training process

    15. Communication of technical information

    16. Application of the player or game model and applicaton of the preparation or training model

  • Objectives


    1. Critically analyze and diagnose technical and tactical performance of players and football teams for training and competition;

    2. Develop methodological tools suitable for application as a diagnostic tool in practice situation or football competition;

    3. To know key tools and new market trends for sports performance analysis in football;

    4. Develop and implement criteria for technical observation reports in football performance;

    5. Define and plan intervention strategies in training processes according to the objectives and the collected information;

    6. Identify and know structures and skills for the development of a game analysis department in football.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Students will carry out work in each of the blocks, applying their knowledge to a specific technical and tactical aspect of the game of football.

  • References


    Abrantes, J. (2008) Fundamentos e Elementos de Análise em Biomecânica do Movimento Humano. E-book: MovLab - Universidade Lusófona. Lisboa 91pp. Disponível em:

    Garganta, J. (2001). A análise da performance nos jogos desportivos. Revisão acerca da análise do jogo. Revista Portuguesa de Ciências do Desporto, 1(1), 57-64

    Hernández-Mendo, A., Castellano, J., Jonsson, G., Camerino, O., Blanco-Villaseñor, Á., Lopes, A., & Anguera, M. T. (2014). Programas informáticos de registro, control de calidad del dato, y análisis de datos. Revista de Psicología del Deporte, 23(1), 111-121

    Hughes, M & Franks, I.M. (2004). Notational analysis- a review of the literature. In M. Hughes & I.M. Franks (Eds.), Notational analysis of sport, Second Edition, (pp. 59-106). London: Routledge

    Nevill, A., Atkinson, G., & Hughes, M.(2008) Twenty-five years of sport performance researchin the Journal of Sports Sciences, J. Sports Sciences, 26: 4

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