
Class Ecology and Urban Landscape

  • Presentation


    The environmental and ecologic factors and its roll-on territory. The way of the relation between natural issues and communities welfare and how to make it compatible with other societal demands.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The urban environment and natural environment, Synthesis of the biophysical and ecological changes in the urban environment. Urban environmental problems. Characteristics of urban habitats and their influence on the fauna and flora composition.

    2. Urban ecology. Fundaments, terminology and definitions. Biomas and ecosystems. Biodiversity.

    3. Elements of the Urban landscape. Typology and function of spaces. Concepts and classification. Indicators and patterns.

    4. Ecosystemic services and function of open spaces. Ecological benefits and environmental functions.

    5. Green infrastructure in urban areas. Open space systems and structures. Type of systems/structures of green spaces

    6. Planning and management of green spaces. Participation and cooperation. Financing and maintaining

    7. Urban ideals and present challenges. The inter-relation between the built environment and open urban spaces. The sustainable city, demographic development, climate change.

  • Objectives


    The CU aims mainly to looks at the main experiences and strategies of intervention in the contemporary city. To do that master students should:

    1. Understand and inter-relate the mains biophysical and ecological changes caused by urbanization

    2. Discuss the environmental changes and anthropogenic impacts on ecosystems and communities

    3. To relate principles of Urban Ecology and Sustainable Development with the respective urban, landscape and ecological measures

    4. Analyse and discuss the importance of ecology and its urban environmental indicators.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The preparation of a transversal work, common to most of the curricular units, which contains the particularities of each UC, is a practice that promotes a specific understanding of the subjects specific to each UC and knowledge of their relationships in the context of work in urban planning, preparing the student to solve complex problems. Seminar classes, where different topics are addressed in a coordinated manner by different lecturers, allow for a broader approach and the consolidation of more comprehensive knowledge in the fulfilment of the course programme.

  • References


    Direcção Geral do Ordenamento do Territorio (1992). ¿Espaços Verdes Urbanos¿, Lisboa.

    DTLR (Department for Transport, Local Government and the Regions) (2002) 'Green Spaces, Better Places - Final Report of the Urban Green Space Taskforce'. London.

    Fadigas, L. (2007) ¿Fundamentos ambientais do ordenamento do terrotório e da paisagem¿. Edições Silabo, Lisboa.

    Smaniotto Costa, Carlos (2012) 'De quintas a parques - Visitando os Parques da Quinta das Conchas e da Quinta dos Lilases em Lisboa'. Arquitextos, São Paulo, 13.146, Vitruvius, jul 2012

    Smaniotto Costa, Carlos (2010) ¿Áreas Verdes: um elemento chave para a sustentabilidade urbana - A abordagem do Projeto GreenKeys¿. Em: Arquitextos, São Paulo, Nov. 2010,, ISSN 1809-6298

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