
Class Mathematical Analysis II

  • Presentation


    This curricular unit (UC) is part of the curricular plan of this degree, which will provide the necessary mathematics knowledge for successful learning in subsequent curricular units.

    This UC aims to introduce the fundamental concepts about the propagation of uncertainties, the methodologies and applications of the integral calculus of functions with 1 variable and the techniques for solving 1st and 2nd order differential equations.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Part I – Uncertainties and propagation of uncertainties

    1 – Concepts of absolute error, relative error, absolute uncertainty and relative uncertainty

    2 – Rounding and truncating

    3 – Propagation of uncertainties


    PART II - Integral calculation

    1 - Undefined Integral

    1.1 - Definition and Properties

    1.2 - Immediate primitives

    1.3 - Integration methodologies (immediate primitiveness, by substitution and by parts)

    1.4 - Integration of certain classes of functions: polynomial, rational, irrational and transcendent

    2 - Defined integral

    2.1 - Definition, properties and geometric meaning

    2.2 - Calculation and applications

    3 - Improper integrals

    4 - Integration of functions with more than one variable

    4.1 - Fundamental concepts, calculation and applications


    Part III - Ordinary differential equations (EDO)

    1 - Definitions

    2 - Initial and boundary conditions

    3 - Integration of the main 1st and 2nd order EDO

  • Objectives


    At the end of this course, students should have acquired knowledge about:

    - Truncate numbers using their uncertainty and calculate the uncertainties of values of dependent quantities.

    - Learn to integrate real functions of a real variable using direct integration and substitution or by parts techniques.

    - Learn to calculate a definite integral and geometrically interpret the result, as well as to know how to realize typical applications of the same.

    - Learn to evaluate the convergence of improper integrals.

    - Know to calculate multiple integrals.

    - Learn to solve differential equations of 1st and 2nd order, including the determination of particular solutions.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In this UC, some active methodologies will be used that promote greater student involvement in activities, such as learning through PBL and Formative assessments with feedback. In terms of digital technologies, Moodle will be used.


  • References


    - Azenha, A., Jerónimo, M. E. (1995), Elementos de Cálculo Diferencial e Integral em IR e IRn, Editora MacGraw Hill.


    - E.W. Swokowski (1995), Cálculo com Geometria Analítica (Vol.1 e II), Makron Books.


    - B. Demidovitch, Problemas e Exercícios de Análise Matemática, McGraw-Hill.


    - Textos de apoio e coleções de exercícios fornecidos ao longo das aulas pelos docentes

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