
Class Administration of Educational Organizations

  • Presentation


    The relevance of this UC lies in the fact that students can know and critically analyze management theory(s) applied to educational organizations
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Educational organizations and the school as an educational organization of reference.
    1.1 The concept of educational field and the complexity of educational contexts.
    1.2 From the diversity of school management models to the concept of school autonomy.
    2. Administration, management and school direction: differences and complementarities.
    2.1. Administration and educational process: from the instruction paradigm to the education and communication paradigm.
    2.2. Strategic educational planning between supply and demand for education and training.
    3. The new management ideologies of the school and the educational system.
    3.1. Public education policies and school regulation.
    3.2. Levels of organizational development, leadership and intermediate school functions. The roles of school actors.
    3.3. Participation and evaluation in school administration and management.
    4. Factors of change and innovation in educational provision and regulation.
  • Objectives


    Problematize the relationship between theory and practice in the Administration of Educational Organizations;
    -Know how to identify the complex relationships that today's school administration and management is covered in its various functional levels;
    -Apply the studied approaches to the analysis of educational organizations;
    -Explain, orally or in writing, different contexts that the school can present; -Know how to analyze the ways and means of regulating educational management, in particular; -Contextualize and critically analyze situations of educational administration and school management;
    -identify, explain and apply concepts and apply these concepts to situations they know;
    -Be able to communicate their knowledge and reasoned reflections to different interlocutors in the classroom;
    - Produce individual and group work, applying the concepts and theories learned throughout the UC
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The themes are presented through oral exposition, supported by readings of supporting texts, and followed by intentional and systematic dialogue with the students. During classes, between each subject of relevant interest, group work is proposed and carried out under the supervision of the teacher. These group works are carried out around themes, situations or real problems, generally resulting from the students' professional experience. In the periods of time between classes, completing or applying acquired knowledge, small exercises, individual or group, are proposed, which require the consultation of adequate bibliography, the collection of pertinent information, the analysis of legal documents and the presentation of small texts. Assessment is continuous, supported by two components with different and complementary weight. participation in face-to-face group work and debates, 40%, and individual work, 60%.
  • References


    Canotilho, J.J. (Org.) (2017). Gestão e Financiamento das Escolas em Portugal. F. C. Gulbenkian.

    Carvalho, M. J. (2014). Os Poderes e a Escola. De Facto.

    Cosme, A. & Trindade, R. (2007). Escola a tempo inteiro. Escola para que te quero? Profedições

    Costa, J. A. (2003). Imagens organizacionais da escola (3ª ed.). ASA

    Formosinho, J. et al. (2005). Administração da Educação. Lógicas burocráticas e lógicas de mediação. ASA.

    Lima, L.  (2011). Administração Escolar: Estudos. Porto: Editora.


  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente  

    Horário de atendimento


    Teresa de Jesus Santos

    sexta feira das 17 às 18h








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