Conference 20 Years Surf Lusófona - 2002-2022
We mark the 20 Years of Surf Lusófona 2002-2022 with the organization of the 1st National Congress of Surf Coaches
- Paid with Credits
- Free without Credits
We mark the 20 Years of Surf Lusófona 2002-2022 with the organization of the 1st National Congress of Surf Coaches, in partnership with the National Association of Surfing Coaches.
The congress will take place on the 25th of FEB, Saturday, from 12:00h to 19:00h, with 10 distinguished guests in the middle and who will separately debate three topics relevant to the professional activity of a coach. The debates will have a discussion space open to the audience.
12:00pm - Welcome
- Director Instituto Lusófono Treino Desportivo UL - Prof. Jorge Proença
- President Confederation of Coaches - Pedro Sequeira
- President Portuguese Surfing Federation - João Aranha
- President National Surfing Coaches Association - Eurico Gonçalves
- Moderator Sandro Maximiliano
12:30 pm - Theme 1 - Recreational Surf Coach Challenges: Present and Future Challenges, Local Realities (Speakers vs. Audience Debate)
- Marcelo Martins - Onda Pura, Matosinhos
- Manuel Mestre - Faro Surf Club
- Nuno Sequeira - Surf Lisbon
- Ricardo Leopoldo - Peniche Surf Camp
3:00 pm - Theme 2 - Training Coaches Surfing Clarifications Grade III, Questionnaire Results, History 2014-2023 (Speakers x Audience Debate)
- Sandro Maximiliano - Instituto Treino Desportivo U.Lusófona
- Miguel Moreira - Portuguese Surfing Federation
- Manuel Rui Silva - National Surfing Coaches Association
4:30 pm - Theme 3 - Surf Coach Competition: Present and Future Challenges, Olympic Challenge (Speakers vs Audience Debate)
- Surprise Guest: Francisco Spínola - Trainers at WSL
- David Raimundo - National Coach
- Francisco Pereira - Xixo Surf Coach
- Pedro Barbudo - Go Surf Russia
- Catarina Sousa - Bodyboard, Boogie Chicks
6:00 pm - Free Theme
- Three questions asked by the audience, choice of guests
8 pm - Closing
Date and Hour
Saturday, February 25, 2023
12:00 - 19:00
Centro Universitário Lisboa - Auditório Agostinho da Silva