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Class Operating Systems

  • Presentation


    An operating system (OS) supplies a convenient, efficient and well defined interface between the hardware and application software. The services it provides offer the basic functionality, in any computer system, in which the application software is based.

    Acquiring a solid knowledge about the inner workings of the OS is of vital importance for engineering students that will enter a job market in which the development and the use of computer systems are gradually being reinforced.

    In particular, addressing the way an OS works, what are the main components, how to use its resources and services to develop efficient programs, and how to select an OS for a specific application, this CU supplies methodologies and abilities to think about computer systems, that are very broad and useful even for a career not connected to development.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1.  Introduction to OS
      1. Objectives and main features
      2. Historic evolution
    2. Computer Architecture
      1. Block diagram of a typical computer
    3. OS architecture
      1. Structure and components
    4. Notions of concurrency and pseudo-parallelism
      1. Processes and threads
    5. Process Management
      1. CPU multiplexing
      2. Scheduling
      3. Interrupts
      4. Dispatcher
    6. Process Synchronization
      1. Cooperation
      2. Shared Data
      3. Critical sections
      4. Mutual exclusion
    7. Inter-process communication
      1. Shared Memory
      2. Mailboxes
      3. Sockets
    8. Memory management
      1. Real mode addressing
      2. Virtual addressing
      3. Algorithms
    9. Input/output management
      1. I/O hardware
      2. The I(O sub-system
    10. File System
      1. Basic concepts
      2. Structure
      3. Allocation methods
      4. Storage devices
    11. Protection and Security
      1. Threats
      2. Prevention
    12. Operating systems for embedded systems
      1. Static environment with limited resources

    In each topic will use examples using reference operating systems: Windows and Linux.

  • Objectives


    After concluding this course the student should:

    • Understand what is an OS and what are their objectives;
    • Understand the main challenges when implementing an OS and be familiar with the mechanisms and algorithms that are typically used;
    • Understand the limitations imposed by the exclusive use of the function libraries offered by the programming languages;
    • Be able to program applications that take advantage of the services offered by the Windows OS (synchronization, inter-process communication, memory management, etc.);
    • Understand multi-threaded application and their importance, and be able to solve basic concurrency problems;
    • Be familiar with the basic structure of the reference OS;
    • Understand the requirements of an OS for embedded systems and the differences to a traditional desktop or smartphone OS.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Interactive analyses of the algorithms are performed in class in order to allow students to better ascertain they work.

  • References


    • Silberschatz, A., Galvin, P., e Gagne, G - Operating System Concepts. Ninth Edition, John Wiley and Sons, 2012. ISBN: 9781118063330.
    • A. Tanenbaum, H. Bos - Modern Operating Systems. 4th Edition. Pearson, 2014. ISBN: 9780133591620


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