
Class Noise Pollution

  • Presentation


    Noise Pollution is an environmental issue whose relevance has been increasing due to the lifestyle of today's society. Despite urban and industrial pollution being the most relevant, it is also worth mentioning, due to the serious consequences, noise pollution at the occupational level. This UC serves to make students aware of this reality, as well as to provide them with knowledge and tools for future professional action.

    In view of the definition and technical approach of an environmental engineer, the existence of this UC in the cycle of studies of the Environmental Engineering degree course is of total relevance.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Sound: introduction and basic principles (sound characteristics, sound wave, sound wave characteristics, sound pressure ranges, sound diffraction)

    2. Noise: sources of noise and effects of noise on human health

    3. Sound frequency (isophonic curves, weighting curves, signal waveforms, signal typology)

    4. Descriptive methods

    5. Descriptive parameters

    6. Sound measurement equipment

    7. Occupational noise:

    ¿ The issue/impact of noise in the EU

    ¿ Health consequences

    ¿ Noise control program

    ¿ Assessment of noise exposure situations

    ¿ Reduction and control of noise levels

    ¿ Preventive methodological measures

    ¿ Stipulated procedures

    ¿ Acoustic measurements

    ¿ General principles of prevention

    ¿ Noise assessment methodologies

    8. Environmental Noise:

    ¿ National framework

    ¿ Control of Environmental noise

    ¿ Measurement methodologies

    ¿ Acoustic tests associated with the discomfort criterion

    ¿ Noise Maps

    ¿Action plans

    9. Legislation.

  • Objectives


    1. Understand the problem of noise pollution and its impact on human health and professional and daily performance.

    2. Know how to act in minimizing this problem.

    3. Understand the noise measurement methodology and the assessment of legal compliance.

    4. Understand the importance and the current reality of noise pollution in the environment and in an occupational context.

    5. Know the applicable legislation in force and how to interpret and apply it in practical case studies

    6. Know the noise measurement methodologies.

    7. Ability to identify possible sources of pollution and know how to act to mitigate and minimize their emissions.

    8. Understand the importance of the noise action plan and general principles of prevention.

    9. Ability to process noise monitoring data by assessing its legal compliance.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Students will be encouraged to use computer tools to develop the work to be prepared, and measuring instruments.
    Teaching will be participatory among everyone, but the teacher will be available weekly for a personalized time for questions.
    The Moodle platform will be used to make study material available.
  • References


    • P. Martins da Silva, 1975. Ruído de Tráfego Rodoviário. LNEC. Ref: EC/228-BC
    • Miguel Paya, 1999. Isolamento térmico e acústico. Ed. Plátano. Ref: EC/180-BC
    • Jorge Patricio, 2004. Acústica nos edifícios. Ref: EC/364-BC
    • Benz Kotzen & Colin English, 2009. Envoironmental noise barriers. Spon Press. Ref: CA/239-BC
    • Gerard Kiely, 1999. Ingenieria Ambiental – Fundamentos, entornos, tecnologias y sistemas de gestíon. McGraw Hill. Ref: CA/39-BC
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