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Class Technical Supervision in Gyms and Health Clubs (Elective II)

  • Presentation


    The optional unit II: technical direction in gyms and health clubs seeks to provide students with basic knowledge and skills to perform coordination, technical and scientific supervision. The CU will have a particular focus on the dimensions previously enumerated, aiming at supervision in contexts and dynamics of practice, having as reference the figure of the technical director or other coordinator figure.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Planning, organization and maintenance of sports spaces

    • Fitness trends, insights and issues
    • Preparation and projection of a sports space
    • Choice and suitability of equipment and materials
    • Professional activity: transversal, non-technical and soft skills behaviors


    2. Fitness legal framework

    • Evolution of Fitness Law
    • Applicable Law
    • Human Resources: Roles, Responsibilities, and Performance Limits
    • Ethics and deontology


    3. Human resources

    • Recruitment
    • Selection
    • Training process
    • Performance analysis
  • Objectives


    Considering the purpose of the course, the syllabus and teaching methods aim the student to be able to:


    To know the legislation and associated good practices regarding the duties of the Technical Director.


    To develop knowledge and skills aimed at the development of practices regarding the safety and effectiveness of various physical activity programs.


    To develop knowledge and skills that allow proper technical supervision of the various dynamics implemented in a gym / health club.


    To identify and explain relevant aspects in the creation or organization of spaces and equipment, as well as produce the necessary adjustments aiming at the functionality and safety of the practices.


    To develop knowledge and mastery of recruitment processes, selection and development of teams.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In the teaching-learning process used there is a concern with the interaction with the practice and thel internship

  • References


    -       ACSM (2017). Guidelines for exercise testing and prescription (10th Edition). Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.

    -       Brito,J. (2014) Direção Técnica de Giásios e Health Clubs. Procedimentos e Operações. Escola Superior de Desporto de Rio Maior- Instituto Politécnico de Santarém.

    -       Haff, G. & Tripplett, T. (2016). NSCA Essentials of Strength Training and Conditioning (4th Edition). Champaign: Human Kinetics.

    -       Mestre, A. (2017). Direito do Fitness. Atividades em Ginásios e Health Clubs. Porto: Vida Económica.

    -       Teixeira, D. S., Gaspar, C., Marques, P. (2017). Manual do Técnico de Exercício Físico. Porto Salvo: Edições Manz.

    -       Teixeira, D. S., Monteiro, D., Rodrigues, F., Sousa, A. M., Chaves, C. C., & Cid, L. (2020). Ginásios e Health Clubs em Portugal: Estaremos perante uma República das Bananas? Motricidade, 16(1), 3-17.


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