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Class Roller Hockey (Elective Modality I - Sports Training branch)

  • Presentation


    Roller Hockey is currently one of the roller skating disciplines. The knowledge, skills and aptitudes worked in this UC provide the basis for professional intervention, either at the level of sports training, together with sports clubs, associations, federations, or in the school context, at the level of the Physical Education class, or at the level of school sport.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Theme 1. Roller Hockey as a Collective Sport

    Theme 2. Training of physical abilities in a young hockey player

    Theme 3. Skating foundation

    Theme 4. Introduction to Roller Hockey

    Theme 5. Mini Roller skating

    Theme 6. Young Goalkeeper Training



    Theme 1. Operationalization and Orientation of Youth Practice sessions. 

  • Objectives


    1. Content integration for the development of a knowledge-based professional practice;

    2. Beginning of specialization in the teaching and training of roller hockey;

    3. Real-time application of the procedures and tasks inherent in the performance of the roller hockey specialists’ functions;

    4. It is intended that the student acquires the competence to organize, plan, execute and evaluate training programs appropriate to reality, applying critically and in an integrated manner knowledge of their specificity and multidisciplinary and interdisciplinary knowledge.


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In this CU theoretical classes (expository), theoretical-practical (where will apply experiential learning, with problems and group work) and use the e-learning system, which will provide support materials for each of the classes (slides and handouts), as well as a discussion forum, will be the main methods. In addition to the theoretical and practical classes, students are expected to observe training micro-cycles. Students are also expected to run a practice with young hockey players.


    In continuous assessment, students will have to perform two write assessment (tests). Observe (4) training micro-cycles. Guide and report on (2) youth training practices and present the report orally.

  • References


    Batista, P. (2002). “Iniciação a¿ Patinagem- Patins de Rodas Paralelas e em Linha”, Instituto Nacional do Desporto 


    LLoyde, R. & Oliver, J. (2019). Strength and Conditioning for Young Athletes: Science and Application. 2nd Edition. Routledge.


    Ferreira, L. (2012). Habilidades Específicas do Hóquei em Patins Técnica Individual e Situações de Jogo Simplificadas. Coimbra. Faculdade de Ciências do Desporto e Educação Física da Universidade de Coimbra.


    Gouveia, L. (2002). “Historia do Hóquei em Patins em Portugal”, CTT Correios.


    Taña, G. (2019). “El porteiro de Hockey Patines: De la iniciación al alto rendimento”, Editorial Círculo Rojo.


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