
Class History of Architecture and the Arts II

  • Presentation


    A critical appreciation of contemporary architectural theories and the corresponding understanding of the multiple spatial, formal, constructive and programmatic meanings is an essential benchmark along with the understanding of the design process.

    This assessment shall cover problematized situations that are currently placed in disciplinary terms as well as on recent redefinitions of the specific acts of the profession of the architect.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The themes to be developed are the following:

    1. The Meaning of the Theory of Architecture at the disciplinary context of Contemporary Architecture.

    2. The Evolution of the Theory of Contemporary Architecture.

    3. Le Corbusier's Vers Une Architecture.

    4. Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture by Robert Venturi.

    5. The Language and Meaning in Contemporary Architecture: lives and works; itineraries and projects.

  • Objectives


    A critical appreciation of contemporary architectural theories and the corresponding understanding of the multiple spatial, formal, constructive and programmatic meanings is an essential benchmark along with the understanding of the design process.

    This assessment shall cover problematized situations that are currently placed in disciplinary terms as well as on recent redefinitions of the specific acts of the profession of the architect.


    Instrumental skills: in data analysis and synthesis; oral and written communication; information management.

    Personal skills: group work; critical thinking; ethical commitment.

    Systemic skills: self-directed learning; self-criticism and self-evaluation; research capabilities.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The subject of History of Architecture and the Arts II presents lessons of both theoretical and practical nature. The lectures are essentially expository, seeking to fulfill the contents in the syllabus. For these classes are used teaching resources available at the ULHT suited for the dynamic, sequential and structured presentation of images. The practical classes are undertaken in the form of Discussion Groups on the topics covered in the lectures, or of follow-up of the work for the making of the monograph. The Discussion Groups are intended to relate, in a thoughtful way, disciplinary content, the systematization or originality of the proposed work and the relevance of the topics covered. The evaluation consists in the elaboration of a synthesis work and a research work, each item with a weight of 50% in the final result.

  • References


    • Choay, F. (1996). La Règle et le Modèle. Sur la Théorie de L’Architecture et de Lúrbanisme.Paris : Éditions du Seuil. 2ª edição revista. Versão para língua portuguesa traduzida por Geraldo Gerson de Souza. São Paulo: Editora Perspectiva.

    • Conrads, U. (1970). Programmes and manifestoes on 20 th-century architecture. London : Lund Humphries.

    • Le Corbusier (1958). Vers Une Architecture. Paris: Éditions Vincent, Fréal & Cie. Ou

    tradução para Português por U. Rebouças. “Por uma Arquitetura”. São Paulo: Editora


    • Lucan, J. (1987). Le Corbusier – une encyclopédie. Paris: Centre Georges Pompidou.

    • Valdivia, J. L. (2004). Constructores de la Ciudad Contemporánea. Aproximación Disciplinar a Través de los Textos. Madrid: Cie Inversiones Editoriales-Dossat.

    • Venturi, R. (1966). Complexity and Contradiction in Architecture. New York: Museum of Modern Art. Ou tradução para Françês por M. Schlumberger e J. V. Vénard. Paris: Dunod.

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