
Class In-Product Design

  • Presentation


    Curricular unit with the purpose of developing projects and actions in the context of the product, with the aim of proposing new performances.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Development of technical, representation, speech and logistic skills.

    2. Intrinsic and Extrinsic Information Units in the context of the Product.

    3. Descriptive, Imaginative and Explanatory Product Universe.

    4. Abstraction Axis - Materialization / Functional and Emotional Associations / Product Singularity.

    5. Synthetic Theory of Evolution (Recombination, Mutation and Exaptation).

    6. Ergonomics (Static and Dynamic Anthropometry, Biomechanics, Environmental Variables, and Cognitive Ergonomics).

    7. Production Technology (Supporting and Non Supporting Structure, Actions on Matter, Joints and Unions).

  • Objectives


    • Understand the Method importance in the project exercises development;
    • Promote research practices within the project culture;
    • Project processes mastering in Conception, Planning and Implementation phases;
    • Development of technical, representation, speech and logistic skills.
    • Understand the Design importance in the construction of a new society;
    • Develop product creation practices within partnership contexts;
    • Understanding the descriptive, explanatory and imaginative Product dimension;
    • Traditional and emerging technological processes mastering.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The methodology used in each session is structured as follows: the sessions are oriented following a methodological planning, consisting of phases. Each phase is developed according to specific contents, articulated in accordance with a class structure that includes theoretical and practical moments.

    The teaching model is based on an active and dynamic pedagogical practice, i.e., it allows exploring the creative capacity when subject to conceptual stimuli and simultaneously exploring the result in confrontation with the result of "other(s)".

  • References


    1/ LIDWELL, W., Holden, K. Butler, J. (2005). Universal Principles of Design, Editora Rockport.

    2/ LOLLI, A, Zocchetta, M, Pozza, N, Peretti, R., (2001). Struttura Uomo -  Manuale di anatomia artistica - Il movimento: passo, corsa e salto, Neri Pozza, 2001.

    3/ HUDSON, J., (2008). Process 2nd Edition: 50 Product Designs from Concept to Manufacture, Laurence King Publishers, 2008.

    4/ LEFTERI, C. (2008). Así se Hace - Técnicas de Fabricación para Diseño de Producto, Blume.

    5/ KNAUER, R., (2008). Transformation: Basic Principles and Methodology of Design, Springer Verlag.

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