The Research Methodologies course aims to provide the foundation for conducting rigorous scientific research. It covers research methods and techniques, focusing on the design and execution of research projects. This course enables the development of critical skills for academic and professional success, preparing students for the elaboration of academic works.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Master Degree | Semestral | 6
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
1 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
1 Introduction to the research 1.1 Research problem 1.2 Literature review 1.3 Research planning 1.4 Quantitative and qualitative research 2. The research process 2.1 Sampling 2.2 Data collection methods 2.3 Analysing and interpreting data 3. Presentation of the work
Apply quantitative and qualitative research designs to scientific problems from the scientific areas of the study cycle.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
The teaching/learning methodology combines synchronous and asynchronous contact modes. Synchronous communication takes place at pre-established times, where students and teachers interact in real-time in a virtual space via Zoom. It can be based on working together, opting for online class formats that include videoconferencing rooms and live broadcasts. Synchronous classes allow for group and collaborative activities, which gives the teacher more options for applying learning methodologies. Synchronous communication also allows doubts to be clarified as the subject is studied and opens up space for more contextualized questions and examples. Asynchronous communication takes place without the need for real-time interaction, allowing students to follow lessons regardless of time or place.
[Preencher APELIDO], [Preencher Primeiros Nomes] - [Preencher Título]. [Preencher Edição. Local de publicação :Editor, Ano de publicação. Descrição física. Série. ISBN)] [Preencher APELIDO], [Preencher Primeiros Nomes] - [Preencher Título]. [Preencher Edição. Local de publicação :Editor, Ano de publicação. Descrição física. Série. ISBN)
Office Hours
Office Hours