
Class Didactics of Visual Arts I

  • Presentation


    Combinig theory with practice, it deals with the pedagogy of arts education, having as its main reference the world of images,  forms and their resources. It calls upon the most current knowledge of the visual arts, as well as teaching methodologies and strategies, in order to put them at the service of students' learning. It develops competences and aptitudes for critical reflection on contemporary arts teaching and for the practice of pedagogical innovation processes.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    -Didatics of visual arts: concepts, theories and dimensions

    -Main paradigms and models of artistic education in the modern and contemporary ages: Creative self-expression; DBAE, Creative Problem-Solving, Visual Culture, Integration of the arts in the curriculum

    -Characterization of the development of artistic expression in the child and adolescent

    -The language of the arts: Visual perception, visual and symbolic thinking, creativity and aesthetic sense

    -Structural elements of the plastic language and principles of visual organization; means and processes

    -Methods os teaching drawing

    -Curricula in force:philosophical bases, methodologies, contents and activities

    Artistic education in practice:

    -Planning teaching/learning activities: annual plans, didactic unit plans and class plans (integrating objectives, competencies, contents, strategies, activities)

    -Evaluation in arts: complexities and existing models

    -Creating and using pedagogical resources and materials

  • Objectives


    Provide students with competencies and knowledge that allow them to command objectives, techniques and means in the field of visual expression and communication

    Provide students with teaching/learning models and methodologies in the field of visual arts

    Provide students with aptitudes for the practice of pedagogical innovation practice, applying knowledge, concepts and projects in the area

    Provide students with competencies to develop projects that reflect and question existing practices and paradigms at the level of artistic education

    Develop capacity for elementary research


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    It is considered important to use active methodologies that facilitate teaching/learning. Among them we highlight: presentation of texts associated with the themes to be treated, their critical discussion in small groups and subsequent presentation of the conclusions for debate in the class.

    Whenever appropriate, present concrete examples of good work by students from other years, related to the content covered, inviting them to present their work and discuss it with the class.

    Interdisciplinarity whenever possible with other curricular units of the course, in the programming of activities to be carried out.

    Preparation by groups of students of some topics to be addressed and presentation and discussion in the class.

  • References


    Agirre, I. A- (2005). Teorías y Prácticas en Educación Artística. Universidad de Navarra:

    Dewey, j. (2010) Arte como experiência.São Paulo: Martins Fontes. 

    Efland, A. (2002). Art and Cognition: Integrating the Visual Arts in the Curriculum. New York: Teachers College Press

    Eisner, E. W. (2002). The Arts and the Creation of Mind. New Haven & London: Yale University

    Fowler, C. (1996). Strong Arts, Strong Schools. Oxford: Oxford University Press

    Molina, J. J. G. & Cabezas, L. & Bordes, J. (2001). El Manual de Dibujo: Estrategias de Su Enseñanza en el Siglo XX. Madrid: Cátedra

    Marín Viadel, R.  (2003) Didáctica de la Educación Artística para Primaria. Madrid: Ed. Person. Prentice Hall [Preencher APELIDO], 

    Marín Viadel, R. (2005) (eds). Investigación en Educación Artística: Temas, métodos y técnicas de indagación sobre el aprendizage y la enseñanza de las artes y culturas visuales. Universidad de Granada y Universidad de Sevilla.


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