
Class Ecotoxicology

  • Presentation


    Learning about the fundamental aspects of Toxicology in general and its various applications, particu larly in the field of food, environment and health.Ability to understand the mechanisms of cellular and tissue toxicity associated with toxic agents through food or the environment and the action of drugs.

    Know how to identify the type of contaminant and its toxic effects. Clarify the mechanism (s) of toxicity. Assess adverse effects on human health from exposure to contaminants.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    General Toxicology Considerations. Introduction to Toxicology

    Applications of Toxicology : food toxicology,  ecotoxicology, analytical toxicology and clinical toxicology.

    Toxicity Types: Acute, Subacute, Subchronic and Chronic Toxicity.

    Factors Affecting Toxicity.Toxicity to organs and sys tems

    Mechanisms of toxicity.Genetic toxicology and carcinogenicity.Short-term tests

    Contaminants and toxins present in food.Toxins in food. Heavy metal contamination: mercury, iron and cadmium.

    Dioxins: their formation and contamination in foods intended for human consumption

    Biotransformation of carcinogens present in food: natural or formed during food processing

    Contaminants and environmental toxicants:Air Pollutants, soil and water. 

    Aquatic and terrestrial ecotoxicology.

    Toxicology applied to Biotechnology.

  • Objectives


    Basic knowledge about toxicology, and effects of toxic substances (eg pollutants, drugs, toxins) in humans and ecossystems. The meaning of bioconcentration, biodegradation and bioamplification in human body and in the environment. Concepts of the procedures involved in the classification of chemicals and risk assessment. The student will be able to learn the key concepts of toxicology. Identify the various pollutants in the environmental compartments air, soil, water. Interpret dose-response curves. Identify the potential toxic substances to human health security. Know the main toxicology testing and its application to specific case study

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Within the scope of the curricular unit, videos and documents are made available on moodle to support the subject.  These documents and didactic material allow the visualization of programmatic contents and facilitate the learning of the basic concepts necessary to achieve the objectives stipulated for the chair.  Whenever possible, field trips are made to reinforce the syllabus and whenever possible the collection of samples to be used in the practical work of students in the laboratory.

  • References


    1-Casarett e Doulls (2001). Toxicologia. A ciência dos tóxicos. Tradução Portuguesa. Compêndio. McGraw Hill. Lisboa.

    2-Colin Baird (1998) Environmental Chemistry. 2nd Ed. W.H.Freeman & Co.

    3-C.H.Walker, S.P. Hopkins, R.M. Sibly and D.R. Peakall (2000). Principles of Ecotoxicology. 2nd Ed. Taylor & Francis. London.



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