
Class Economic and Currency Policy of the European Union

  • Presentation


    The success of the European Union (EU) relies largely on the achievement of its objectives, set out in its Treaties, which implies the existence of common policies. This Course Unit (UC) seeks to analyze critically the economic and monetary policies of the EU, particularly with regard to their suitability, objectives, and effectiveness. The UC also aims to show how European integration has contributed to regional economic development and how this has been shaped by economic and political. It highlights the relationship between social and political development, focusing on dialectics of interpenetration. To fulfill such desiderata, the UC will examine the European institutional dynamics, articulating it in a direct relationship with the explanation of the integration process in its economic and political aspects.



  • Code


  • Syllabus


    • Conceptual analysis, deepening, and consolidation.
    • Module 1: Theories and evolution of economic integration.
    • Module 2: Economic unification.
    • Module 3: Economic dimension of the ECSC, the European Coal and Steel Community.
    • Module 4: Economic deepening of the EEC-European Economic Community. Module 5: Economic integration strategies.
    • Module 6: EMU: Economic and Monetary Union.
    • Module 7: Economic and Social Cohesion and Regional Policy.
    • Module 8: The European Union and (de)globalisation.
  • Objectives


    This UC has four basic objectives: i) examine the process of European integration, highlighting the political and economic conjunctures that led to the creation and modifications of the system; ii) relate the evolution of the process with the founding treaties, showing the interaction between economic and monetary dynamics and how they are shaped by political processes; iii) recognize and describe the monetary policy for Euro area countries' and economic cohesion (regional policy); and iv) and assess the limitations of the system and the dilemmas facing the European project, considering the international context


  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Debates, simulations, and written exercises in class will be a driving force of the methodologies supporting the teaching-learning process. Lectures and/or study visits, with reports, will bring students closer to the tasks they will perform in their future professions.

  • References


    • Authers, John (2013). The European Financial Crisis. NJ: FT Press, Upper Saddle River.

    • Bulmer, Simon; Parker, Owen; Bache, Ian; George, Stephen; Burns, Charlotte (2020). Politics in the European Union. 5ª Edição, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    • Cini, Michelle; Borragán, N. Pérez-Solórzano (2019). European Union Politics. 6ª Edição, Oxford: Oxford University Press.

    • De Grauwe, Paul (2020). Economia da União Monetária. Conjuntura Actual Editora

    • Moniz, Jorge Botelho (org.) (2022). O Futuro da União Europeia: Política, Economia, Estado de Direito e Religião . Col. Contributos. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.
    • Porto, Manuel C. L. (2016), Teoria da Integração e Políticas da União Europeia. 5ª Ed., Coimbra: Almedina.

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