Fernando José de Aires Angelino holds a PhD in Management with specialization in Marketing at ISCTE-IUL in Lisbon, an M.Sc. in Management with specialization in Entrepreneurship and Innovation at University of Evora, and a B..Sc. in Marketing at School of Business from IPS. Has extensive professional experience in management and supervisory positions in domestic and foreign companies, with the coordination and implementation of various projects at Iberian level in the areas of information technologies, logistics, industrial property, and marketing. His current research interests include marketing, higher education, entrepreneurship, gamification, and virtual reality.
DoutoramentoGestão (Marketing)
Pós-GraduaçãoEmpreendedorismo e Inovação
Curso médioAnálise e Programação de Sistemas
Curso de doutoramento (conclusão de unidades curriculares)Estudos avançados em gestão
Título de especialistaTítulo de Especialista em Ciências Empresariais - 3.34.340
Artigo em revista
- 2022, The role of creative communications and gamification in customer engagement in higher education: a sentiment analysis approach, Journal of Creative Communications
- 2022, Exploring Tourism Students Engagement through Telepresence, Pleasantness of the Experience and Memory: A Virtual Reality Approach, Journal of Promotion Management
- 2021, Virtual reality and gamification in marketing higher education: a review and research agenda, Spanish Journal of Marketing - ESIC
- 2021, Analysing students' engagement in higher education through transmedia and learning management systems: a text mining approach, International Journal of Innovation and Learning
- 2021, Analysing students engagement in higher education through transmedia and Learning Management Systems: a text mining approach, International Journal of Innovation and Learning
- 2019, GAMIFICATION IN HIGHER EDUCATION:TEXT MINING APPROACH, Global and National Business Theories and Practice: Bridging the Past with the Future
Tese / Dissertação
- 2020-05-08, Doutoramento, Exploring university students’ engagement in learning through gamification, transmedia and virtual reality
- 2013, Mestrado, O ensino do empreendedorismo nas instituições de ensino superior - uma análise nos Institutos Politécnicos Portugueses
Capítulo de livro
- 2021, Implications of gamification and virtual reality in higher education, 4-4
- 2021, Creating Memories and Engagement in College Student Through Virtual Reality, Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality, Springer
- 2020, Implications of Gamification and Virtual Reality in Higher Education.
Artigo em conferência
- Os gémeos digitais no metaverso - o envolvimento do consumidor, Jornadas Internacionais de Marketing e Logística
- 2023-05-25, Metodologias educativas baseadas em projetos de cocriação: o exemplo da aplicação do projeto DEMOLA no IPS, Seminário Internacional de Práticas Pedagógicas
- 2022-11, Co-creation Design Thinking Process: Learning With Demola Approach, IES - Innovative Economic Symposium
- 2022-09-24, Innovation and Strategic Management: Unidade Curricular do Módulo Internacional da ESCE/IPS, IV Encontro de Reflexão e Partilha Pedagógica em Ciências Sociais
- 2022-07-14, APRENDIZAGEM COM BASE EM PROCESSOS DE COCRIAÇÃO: O Exemplo do DEMOLA® no IPSetúbal, CNaPPES22 - 8º Congresso Nacional de Práticas Pedagógicas no Ensino Superior
- 2020, Creating Memories and Engagement in College Student Through Virtual Reality, 6th International AR VR Conference: Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality - New trends in immersive technology
- 2019-01-01, Gamification in Higher Education: Text Mining Approach, 12th Annual Conference of the EuroMed Academy of Business
- 2019, Exploring the future of virtual reality and gamification in learning enviornments: students motivation and engagement in higher education, 15th China-Europe International Symposium on Software Engineering Education
- 2013-01-01, Teaching entrepreneurship in HEI: an analysis at the portuguese Polythecnics, Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (ENTENP2013)
Outra produção
- 2020, Creating Memories and Engagement in College Student Through Virtual Reality, 6th International AR VR Conference
- 2013-01-01, Teaching entrepreneurship in HEI: an analysis at the portuguese Polythecnics, Conference on Enabling Teachers for Entrepreneurship Education (ENTENP2013)