
Hugo Marques Barata

Hugo Marques Barata


Visual Artist, Independent Curator, University Professor and Education Mediator. PhD in Media Arts from Lusófona University ¿ Lisbon University Center, with a dissertation about the Archive and Contemporary Art. BA in Painting from the Faculty of Fine Arts of the University of Lisbon. Since 2000, he has developed projects that cross artistic and curatorial practice, his domain of specialization being the concept of constellation and the archival gestures through different media. Curatorial Assistant to Dr. Jean-François Chougnet, First Director of the Berardo Collection Museum/CCB from 2007 to 2011, having developed curatorial research and assisted international curators such as Bernard Blisténe, Marin Karmitz, Luís Serpa, Eric Corne, Eric Fabre, Larrys Frogier, Jean-Jacques Lebel or Emmanuelle Lambert, and artists like Judith Barry, Pierre Coulibeuf, Robert Longo, Christian Boltanski, Annette Messager, Peter Kogler, Rosângela Rennó, and choreographers like Jérome Bel or Jan Fabre. Has worked with artists and studios/estates of artist such as Pablo Picasso, Salvador Dalí, Joan Miró, Marcel Duchamp, Piet Mondrian, Joseph Albers, Andy Warhol, David Hockney, Francis Bacon, Giorgio Morandi, Louise Bourgeois, Francesca Woodman, Germaine Richier, Lee Krasner, Maria Helena Vieira da Silva, to name a few. Some of his curatorial projects are the exhibition SHE IS A FEMME FATALE: female artists at the Modern and Contemporary Art Foundation Berardo Collection Museum/CCB, One Woman Show, Organization of the Film Cycle in collaboration with the Festival Temps d¿Images (2009); SHE IS A FEMME FATALE # 2, Faculty of Science and Technology, Nova University of Lisbon, Caparica Campus Library, Almada, in 2010 OBSERVERS_Revelations, Transits and Distances, Foundation of Modern and Contemporary Berardo Collection Museum/CCB (2011); CURATING THE DOMESTIC Images @ home, Lisbon Architecture Triennial (2013); THE EMBODIED VISION: Performance for the camera, National Museum of Contemporary Art Chiado Museum (2014). Some of his work haven been shown in Brazil, China, Belgium or Portugal, and he has participated in numerous solo and collective exhibitions. Since 2000, in the development of his artistic, curatorial and educational projects, he has collaborated with the following institutions and agents: MACBA, Warburg Institute, Archives Yves Klein, Haus Lange-Haus Esters - Kunstmuseen Krefeld, Chiado Museum, Serralves Museum, MAAT Museum Lisbon, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation, Casa das Histórias ¿ Paula Rego Museum, Centre Georges Pompidou, Triennial of Architecture, Walter Benjamin Archives, Temps d ´Images Festival, Electronic Arts Intermix, FUSO International Video Festival, CAPC- Coimbra Visual Arts Circle, MUCEM, Marseille, Zé dos Bois Gallery, Plataforma Revólver, Lisbon. He was Coordinator of Artistic and Educational Projects and Invited Artist and Education Curator for the following institutions, National Commission for Gender Equality, National Plan for the Arts, Casa Pia de Lisboa, Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation ¿ Descobrir Program for Culture, Art and Science, Ministry of Education, Municipality of Lisbon, MAAT: Museum of Architecture, Art and Technology, Lisbon, Berardo Collection Museum/Belém Cultural Center, EGEAC, Manuel de Brito Art Center, Bordalo Pinheiro Museum, among others. He has also worked with Education Programs for Special Needs Education for Chilndren and Adults. Professor in the following courses: Masters in Games and Culture, Masters for Teaching of Visual Arts, Masters in Communication Design (Lusofona University), Masters in Inclusion, Education and Mediation (High School of Education, Setúbal), as well as degrees BA in Communication Design, Applied Communication and Marketing and Photography, in the areas of Visual Culture, Contemporary Art, Media Theory, Drawing, Illustration, Installation and Video. Currently he is Integrated Researcher at CICANT, Lusófona University.


  • Licenciatura
    Artes Plásticas - Pintura
  • Pós-Graduação
    Pós - Graduação
  • Doutoramento
    Arte dos Media


Artigo em revista

  • 2023-11-03, 24 February 2022 - for a Geocinematic Use of Found Images, International Journal of Film and Media Arts
  • 2022-12-13, Re[PLAY] As imagens televisionadas do futebol como material videográfico, International Journal of Film and Media Arts

Capítulo de livro

  • 2024, 24 fevereiro de 2022 - uma obra videográfica acerca das imagens contingentes, Frame[scapes] - para uma geocinemática, Stolen Books
  • 2023, Rito, Ana. "Conversa, só, e à espera de título". , In BREU, Daniel Moreira e Rita Castro Neves (Eds.), Centro Cultural Vila Flor, A Oficina., Stolen Books
  • 2023, Fazer a Mesa, Seminarium - the Academy as Medium, 1, Stolen Books
  • 2022, Rito, Ana; Barata, Hugo. "Le Respira(c)teur". , MISSED-EN-ABÎME - Psicobiografia de um herói perdedor, de Rogério Nuno Costa, Festival Temps d ´images, Teatro Viriato, Pólo das Gaivotas, CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva, 2022_. Festival Temps d ´images, Teatro Viriato, Pólo das Gaivotas, CAMPUS Paulo Cunha e Silva
  • 2022, "L, image à venir", ENIGMA, Pierre Coulibeuf, Stolen Books
  • 2020, The returning thought - constellation as curatorial practice, Constelações I&II, Museu Coleção Berardo
  • 2017, A escultura do (e no) filme - a obra fílmica de Ana Rito, Pele e Pedra, Stolen Books

Edição de livro

  • 2024, Museu Coleção Berardo
  • 2024, 1, Stolen Books
  • 2022, Stolen Books
  • 2020, Museu Coleção Berardo


  • 2022, Frame[scapes] - para uma geocinemática, FRAME[scapes] é um estudo filmográfico/ensaístico sobre a implicação emocional e a sensação de presença mediada pela técnica. Experienciando os espaços e os lugares a partir das lentes de uma camara, é um ensaio que nos aproxima de uma construção enraizada na transmutação dos diferentes media (da televisão à internet, do cinema ao GPS). ,

Catálogo de exposição

  • 2020, Constelações I&II, Museu Coleção Berardo

Exposição artística

  • 2023-02-23, Corolles Retro-Relief (M.D.), 2023 - Colégio das Artes, Universidade de Coimbra
  • 2023-02-08, 24 February 2022 / 24 Fevereiro 2022 - MAAT Museum, Lisbon, MAAT MUSEUM - Museu de Arte, Arquitetura e Tecnologia, Lisboa
  • 2022-04-30, Fazer a Mesa - Colégio das Artes, Universidade de Coimbra
  • 2021, Mesa de Edição
  • 2020, Take Care - Pediatric Hospital, Coimbra
  • 2020, Note sui disegni, 2020 - Coimbra Arts College
  • 2018, Um Arco a ser dobrado - Nova University, Caparica Campus
  • 2018, Batimento, Arts College, Coimbra
  • 2016, Musas Inspiradoras, curadoria Emília Ferreira, Casa da Cerca, Almada
  • 2015, Um Compasso no Bolso, O Armário, Lisbon
  • 2015, Paisagem demorada, 2015, National Museum of Natural Históry
  • 2014, Never Mind the Space Between, Beijing - China, Rio de Janeiro - Brazil, Lisbon
  • 2014, Audience, Kairos Pavillion, Trienal de Arquitectura, Lisboa
  • 2012, Dig Dig: digging for culture in a crashing economy - Plataforma Revólver
  • 2011, Uma Ideia Nova declina-se forçosamente com uma definição inédita - Plataforma Revólver
  • 2011, Não saberás nunca - Plataforma Revólver
  • 2009, Every Mind is Omniscient But Confused - Voyeur Project View
  • 2008, Magnificent Seven - Psychiatric Hospital, Lisbon
  • 2007, Esse - ArteContempo Gallery, Lisbon
  • 2006, O Manicómio Doutor Heribaldo Raposo - obra Slideshow - Galerias Municipais, Lisbon
  • 2006, Hugo Barata - Voyeur Project View, Lisbon
  • 2006, EPIC - Ponte de Sor Library, Ponte de Sor
  • 2006, "The Batle" - Obras da colecção Fundação PLMJ, Berlaymont Building, European Union Headquarters
  • 2005, The Conflict
  • 2005, Prémio Rothschild de Pintura, (artista seleccionado)

Exposição de curadoria/museu

  • 2024, "VIDEOLOGIAS, Programa anual de vídeo arte e performance, Espaço Dupla Cena 77
  • 2023-11-25, The Types Between - Stolen Books Publishing House, Lisbon
  • 2023-11-18, NERVO: Observatório do Fotolivro Português do Século XX - Centro Português de Fotografia, Porto
  • 2023-07, O tempo enrola, encaracola - Pavilhão 31, Lisbon
  • 2023, "FESTIVAL OVNi, Nice, France Curator invité Fondation Calouste Gulbenkian, Délégation en France.
  • 2022-04-30, Eating the Table / Comer a mesa - Arts College, Coimbra, Portugal
  • 2022, Pierre Coulibeuf - Enigma, Galeria FOCO
  • 2022, Curator/ Coordinator CURATING THE DOMESTIC - Digital Curation Project
  • 2022, Constelações IV - Berardo Museum/CCB, Lisbon
  • 2022, Constelações - Berardo Collection/CCB, Lisbon
  • 2022, "Curadoria_Seminário: uma constelação de objetos, espaços e pessoas, CONSTELATION V_ Exposição-conferência, CURATORIAL STUDIO FOR RESEARCH IN MUSEUMS, Centro Cultural de Belém".
  • 2020, Na Cohoorte de De Chirico - Arts College, Coimbra
  • 2020, Constelações III - Berardo Collection/CCB, Lisbon
  • 2019, De noite vivem estrelas, cintilantes! (Individual de Luís Silveirinha), BAG, Leiria
  • 2019, Constelações II - Berardo Collection/CCB, Lisbon
  • 2019, Constelações I - Berardo Collection/CCB, Lisbon
  • 2018, Batimento, Arts College, Coimbra
  • 2015, Pequenos monumentos que atestam o início da possibilidade, MNHNC (com Ana Rito)
  • 2014, A VISÃO INCORPORADA / THE EMBODIED VISION – Performance para a câmara- Museu Nacional de Arte Contemporânea – Museu do Chiado (MNAC), Lisboa. Conceito Curatorial: Hugo Barata, Ana Rito e Jacinto Lageira
  • 2013, CURATING THE DOMESTIC – Images@home, Trienal de Arquitectura de Lisboa, 2013, Associated Projects.
  • 2011, Uma Ideia Nova declina-se forçosamente com uma definição inédita - Plataforma Revólver


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