
Class Seminar of Criminological Themes I

  • Presentation


    This uc aims to provide information to students on important subjects for their respective training, operating in a modular format and, in this sense, complementing training and enhancing debate in the classroom.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    A. EDUCATIONAL TUTORIAL INTERVENTION Educational guardianship law: scope of the law; goals. Educational guardianship measures: enunciation; ratio; constraints; effects (Re) Insertion of minors: where and how? Rescheduling of life Juspsychological intervention and space for Criminology. B. COMMUNICATION AND CRIMINAL JUSTICE Communication in current times. From classic media to social media. The construction of trends and trends of opinion in criminal matters. Common sense and populism. Mediatization of crime and its actors. The media; formation of public opinion. Discussion of criminal cases in media outlets; histrionism and political-judicial opportunism. Crime as an object of investment: political and economic-financial. Communication, courts and control devices: how to transmit criminal justice messages? How to inform public opinion and parties to decisions, for example on arrests and enforcement measures?

  • Objectives


    This CU constitutes itself as a privileged instance of debate on some criminological issues, arising in the fourth semester of the course, that is: when students knowledge allows reflection and promotes clarification of ideas. It is sought that this is a CU in which the student/teacher interaction will be fundamental to ensure the consolidation of knowledge and to allow the development of critical thinking, supported by literature and professional practices, both by criminologists and actors in the judicial system. The distribution of the UC by three semesters makes it possible to include a remarkable thematic plurality, which evolves in harmony with the progression of students in the study cycle. The Seminar of Criminological Themes Seminar, hereinafter SCT, will have as trainers, in addition to the professors indicated, professionals from Criminology and from inter-contributory areas (Forensic Psychology, Law…) who will participate as lecturers

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    This uc aims to stimulate reflection and critical thinking on the part of students, so there is reinforcement of debates, with guests, in the classroom and in convened sessions, and the preparation of short reports on subject topics. in fostering a taste for reflection and discussion, focusing on issues that are as practical as possible
  • References


    • Guerra, P. (2010). A Lei Tutelar Educativa – para onde vais?, Julgar, 11, Coimbra Editora, 99-108
    • Guimarães, A. P. (2016). Os meios de comunicação social e a narração dos casos criminais em Portugal. In R. Mancinas-Chávez (Coord.), Actas del Congreso Internacional Comunicación y Pensamiento Comunicracia y Desarollo Social. Sevilla: Egregius Ediciones, 995-1007
    • Kidd-Hewitt, D. & Osborne, R. (1995), Crime and Media. The Post-Modern Spectacle, London:
    • Rodrigues, A. (1998). «Os modelos de intervenção institucional e não institucional no âmbito dos menores e jovens adultos – Breve enquadramento jurídico internacional», in O direito de menores: reforma ou revolução? Lisboa: Edições Cosmos, 21-26 Legislação a fornecer em aul
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