
Class Seminário de Temas Criminológicos II

  • Presentation


    This CU aims to bring students closer to the major themes of Criminology, operating on a modular basis, and with the presence of at least one guest per semester, chosen from among specialists in the subjects covered. At the same time, the topics will be worked on from the perspective of the professional performance of criminologists, in order to enable knowledge of the criminological reality and cooperation in the field of Criminal Sciences.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Conceptualization. Legal framework. Species; modalities.
    Aggressor and victim. Victimization cycles. Recurring and indirect victims. Psychological consequences. Secondary
    criminalization and severity of sentences.
    Criminological and juspsychological intervention with aggressors and victims.
    Concept, object, genesis and framing. Models. Alternative justice: legal, criminological, social and psychological
    Mediation as an instrument of criminal policy.
    The reduction of property and non-property damage
    Fields of application. Limitations.
    Notion and basic concepts.; legal framework. Fundamental rights in the context of cybercrime. Challenges raised by
    cyberspace and institutional reaction, national and international. General features.
    Actors: offenders and victims. Crime of the future? Direct and indirect consequences. Instrumental cybercrime.
    Preventive measures.

  • Objectives


    The present CU corresponds to the second unit of the Seminar on Criminological Themes (SCT) and continues the route designed in SCT I, fully maintaining the same objectives, since that of being a privileged instance of debate on some criminological issues, aiming, fundamentally, at the Criminology practices in specific segments, in this case Relational and Psycho-affective Violence, Mediation and Restorative Justice and Cybercrime. It is intended that students acquire skills in the areas included in SCT II, learning the key concepts and the possibilities of criminological intervention in any of these areas.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The teaching and assessment methodology will be those described in SCT I. If there are three modules in this SCT II, the final classification will correspond to the arithmetic average of the marks awarded in each module.

  • References


    Brenner, S. (2010). Cybercrime: Criminal Threats from Cyberspace. Santa Bárbara: Praeger Publishers
    Dias, I. (2010). Violência doméstica e justiça. In Sociologia - Revista do Departamento de Sociologia da FLUP, vol. XX, 245-262
    Guerra, P., & Gago, L. (Coord.) (2016). Violência doméstica - Implicações sociológicas, jurídicas e, psicológicas do fenómeno. Lisboa: CEJ
    Louro, M. (2017). Una perspectiva psicológico-jurídica de la violência de género. Tese doutoral. Murcia: UMU
    Natário, R. (2013). O Combate ao Cibercrime: Anarquia e Ordem no Ciberespaço. Revista Militar, no 2541, 823-858
    Poiares, C. & Louro, M. (2009). Mediação penal - da justiça tradicional à intervenção juspsicológica.. Porto: Universidade Fernando Pessoa
    Umbreit, M. (2000). The handbook of victim ofender mediation. S. Francisco: Jossey-Bass


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