
Class Cognitive Processes III - Emotions, Judgment and Decision Making

  • Presentation


    This course provide scientific knowledge in the areas of Emotion, Judgment and Decision Making based on an interdisciplinary approach, focusing several aspects that allow a deeper understanding of the impact of these variables on human behavior

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction to the study of emotion
      1. Historical contextualization

    1.2 The concept of emotion

    1.3. Discrete and dimensional approaches

    1.4.Primary and secondary emotions

    2. The multidimensionality of emotional response (subjective, physiological and behavioral)

    3. Theoretical models of the emotional process. James-Lange theory. Theory of Cannon-Bard. Cognitive theories. Evolutionary theories.

    3.1 Quantification of emotional response

    3.2 Paradigms and experimental manipulations

    4. The relation between emotion and cognition

    4.1. The relationship between emotion, judgment and decision-making

          4.2 Dual theories of information processing

          4.3 The dual system processing in decision-making and judgments

    4.4. Role of heuristics in information processing

    4.5. Damasio's theory of the somatic marker

  • Objectives


    CU aims to provide basic training in the field of scientific knowledge in Emotion and Cognition areas, based on an interdisciplinary approach, focusing several aspects allowing a deeper understanding of the impact of these variables on human behavior; Promote a solid training basis, based on theoretical, technical and methodological foundations in affective and cognitive science domains. It also intends that students acquire skills for the critical analysis of the various theories related to emotions, as well as using the theoretical framework to analyze daily life problems in several contexts; recognize different types and functions of emotions and its multidimensional expression (biological/psychological/social), as well as the relationship between emotional and cognitive processes, namely in judgment and decision-making. 

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The lectures rely on expository and demonstrative methods.

    The laboratory-oriented classes are focused on demonstrations of emotional elicitation paradigms, with recording and quantification of emotional response, tutorials and self-monitoring.

    Continuous evaluation in this course consists of:

    1) A written test without consultation (60%)

    2) Conducting an empirical group work and writing and formatting a research paper in APA style (25%)

    3) Oral group presentation of the written work (15%)

    Final Examination: written final exam without consultation (100%).

    Class attendance is mandatory. For approval in continuous evaluation it is necessary to obtain a final average of 10 values or higher. The student can only remain in continuous evaluation with 8 points (8/20) as minimum score in all forms of evaluation planned for the course. As an average grade, the student must achieve a minimum of 10 points (10/20). If not, the student will be evaluated in the Final Examination mode.

  • References


    Belzung, C. (2010). Biologia das Emoções. Lisboa: Instituto Piaget.

    Damásio, A. (2013). Ao encontro de Espinosa: as emoções sociais e a neurologia do sentir.

    Lisboa: Temas e Debates.

    Robinson, M., Watkins, E, & Harmon-Jones, E. (2013). Handbook of Cognition and Emotion. NY, Guilford Press

    Fox, E. (2008). Emotion Science: Cognitive and Neuroscientific Approaches to Understanding

    Human Emotions. Palgrave Macmillan.

    Garcia-Marques, T. (2001). A dimensão afectiva: distinguindo afecto, emoção, estado de espírito e sentimento. Psicologia: Teoria, Investigação e Prática, 6(2), 253-268.

    Vikan A. (2017). A Fast Road to the Study of Emotions. New York : Springer International Publishing AG

    Mauss, I. & Robinson, M. (2009). Measures of emotion: A review. Cognition & Emotion, 23(2), 209–237.

    Rosa, Esteves & Arriaga (2012). Ver ou não ver, eis a questão. A relação entre atenção visual selectiva e emoção. In-mind, 3(1-4), 14-24.

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