
Class Observatory for Social Work

  • Presentation


    The Observatory UC introduces the practical component in the Social Work course, makes the practical theoretical articulation with all other subjects. It makes known to the students the fields and areas of intervention of the Social Work, either through study visits or the presence in class of professionals from different areas of intervention. This course facilitates the process of reflexivity and the acquisition of critical skills in students.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Observe Social Reality

    1.1. How do we observe social reality?

    1.2. The objective and subjective dimensions of social reality

    1.3. Knowing the social reality

    1.3.1. Different types of knowledge

    1.3.2. Observation in the knowledge process


    2. The Observation Technique

    2.1. What is observation?

    2.2. What aspects to observe?

    2.3. Observation types

    2.3.1. Participant observation

    2.3.2. Non-participating observation

    2.4. Observation instruments


    3. Observation in Social Work

    3.1. The importance of observation in social worker intervention

    3.2. When and what does a social worker observe?

    3.3. Social worker observation and recording tools

    3.4. Ethical and ethical issues


    4. Social Observatories in Portugal and Europe

  • Objectives


    Goals: 1) Allow the student a first approximation to the social reality and the space of action of the Social Worker; 2) Begin the process of knowledge and reflection on the complexity of the social reality where the Social Service operates; 3) Provide knowledge of the organizational structures inserted in the scope of Social Policies, such as response to social problems to vulnerable population groups

    Knowledge, resources and competence to acquire: 1) Capacity to identify the different social organizations, their structure, policies, programs and projects that they develop, in face of the different social problems; 2) Capacity to construct instruments of survey of aspects of the institutional reality applied in the visits (Eg free or systematic observation, reporting of visits); 3) Ability to observe the social reality in which the action of Social Service takes place in different contexts

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching: The syllabus contents will be transmitted in an interactive and interactive way, teaching and students, articulating this process with the reality of Social Work intervention. The dynamization of the sessions will also include presentations, individual or collective, made by students with debate and reflection on current issues, study visits made, observation of reality, viewing and discussion of films.


    Assessment: The assessment will be continuous, based on the following elements:


    1. Written test: 50% 

    2. Group work with oral presentation: 25%

    3. Participation in practical classes and study visit report: 25%

  • References


    Gonçalves, S.; Goançalves, P.J.; Marques, G.C. (2020). Manual de Investigação Qualitativa. Pactor.

    Mónico, L.; Alferes, V.; Castro, P.; & Parreira, P. (2017). A observação participante enquanto metodologia de investigação qualitativa. Ata do 6º Congresso Ibero-Americano em Investigação Qualitativa (pp. 724-733).

    O`Loughlin, M.; O`Loughlin, S. (2015). Effective Observation in Social Work. SAGE Publications

    Peretz, H. (2000). Métodos em sociologia: A Observação. Temas e Debates.

    Ruch, G. (2015) Regarding the use of practice observation methods as part of the assessment of social work practice. Dartington: Research in Practice.

    Youell, Biddy (2005). Observation in social work practice. In Bower Marion (Ed.), Psychoanalytic Theory for Social Work Practice: Thinking Under Fire (pp. 49-60). Routledge


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