
Class Human Rights and Citizenship

  • Presentation


    Human rights have been in modern times a sign of appreciation of human dignity as a basis of manifestation and increment of the mos elementary principles of ctizenship. And Social Work has allways  been inspired and inspiring the defense of Human Rights, adopting has a fundamental the intrinsic value of each human being ad the promotion of social justice.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    I. Citizens and Citizenship 1.1.De where do our rights come from? From the subject to the citizen. 1.2. The citizen and active behaviour. 1.3. Are citizens the same or different? II. Citizenship and Ethical Values 2.1. Immigration and citizenship 2.2. Human dignity 2.3.Tolerance and pluralism 2.4. Solidarity 2.5. The Three Principles of Justice III. Law, Duties, and Institution 3.1. The Ethics of Human Rights 3.2. Law and Power in Democratic Societies: The Rule of Law and the Constitutional State 3.3. International Society and Human Rights IV. The Challenges of Citizenship and Human Rights 4.1. Human Rights: Definition (UN) 4.2. History of Human Rights 4.3. Main instruments of Human Rights. The Universal Declaration of Human Rights 4.4. Development, Human Rights and Security 4.5. Human Rights and Cosmopolitan Citizenship4.6.New Meanings of Justice and Injustice 4.7.Human Rights and Peace 4.8. Twenty-first century and the new challenges to Human Rights.

  • Objectives


    Analyse the contents of Human Rights and Citizenship, reflecting abou the role of individuals on society and how the respect/disrespect of human rights can influence the social integration.

    Analyse the the importance of human rights in Social Work, developing competences of critical reflexion in order to contribute in a decisive manner to a more inclusive society for persons and groups.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The classes will assume diversified characteristics, according to the moment of presentation of the contents, being supported by updated bibliography and material prepared by the teacher. There will be moments of argumentative interaction, especially at the end of each topic. For the evaluation, a continuous evaluation methodology will be privileged. The evaluation presupposes the accomplishment of 2 mandatory tests of evaluation of knowledge, presence and participation in the classes: 1st Test - 45%; 2nd Test - 45%; Attendance and participation in classes - 10%

  • References


    BALDÉ, Aua. O Sistema Africano de Direitos Humanos e a experiência dos Países Africanos de Língua Oficial Portuguesa. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora. 2017. BALTAZAR, Maria da Saudade; et al (Coords.). Desenvolvimento, Direitos Humanos e Segurança. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo. 2020. CAMPOS, Fernando. Na Senda dos Direitos Humanos. Breves Passos . Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. 2019. DECLARAÇÃO DE LISBOA . Os Direitos Humanos e os desafios do século XXI . Globalizar a dignidade. Lisboa: Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian.2016.GARCIA, MARIA da GLÓRIA. Como defender hoje a Dignidade Humana . Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora.2016 GOULÃO, João . O futuro dos Direitos Humanos. Lisboa: Nova Vega.2015. HOSTMAELINGEN, N. Direitos Humanos num relance. Lisboa: Edições Sílabo, Lda.2016. MIRANDA, Jorge. Cidadania. Sempre. Lisboa: Universidade Católica Editora. 2022. WELLS, H.G. Os Direitos do Homem. Silveira: Letras Errantes, Lda.2020.

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