
Class Sociology II

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit pretends to explore the acquisition and consolidation of depth knowledge and diversified skills that enhance understanding, reflection, analysis and discussion of social reality, in order to enable students to have a sociological perspective on the most diverse problems, namely the new social movements and phenomena. Conceptual instruments and theoretical-practical approaches are privileged, making an articulation between the development of individual and group dinamics.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Social structures:

         1.1. Social structures and institutions: a reflection of the past and a look at the future;

         1.2. Social practices, representations and dynamics.

    2. Social interactions: individual and group dynamics:

         2.1. Interaction, social roles and socialization;

         2.2. The identity problem in contemporaneity;

         2.3. Groups, social categories, hierarchical processes and stereotypes.

    3. Social dynamics in contemporary society:

         3.1. Characterization of society: the major new social problems.

    3.1. Populism

    3. 2. Terrorism

  • Objectives


    This curricular unit intends to stimulate the capacity of conceptualization, problematization, analysis and critical, reflective and innovative thinking of the most diverse phenomena of social life, through the explanation and discussion of the central issues of Sociology.

    The purpose is to consolidate the instruments initially provided and the skills worked in 'Sociology I', providing, in parallel, other tools and knowledge in a transversal and complementary perspective, although with a particular focus on understanding the dynamics and problems of the social world in contemporaneity.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Innovative methodologies to support the teaching-learning process include the active participation of students in the collection of materials that they deem relevant to be analyzed in the classroom.

  • References


    Bauman, Z. (1995). Life in fragments: essays in postmodern morality. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers

    Goffman, E. (1993). A apresentação do eu na vida de todos os dias. Lx: Relógio d'Água

    Moita, L. (2008). A configuração do mundo presente. In VI Congresso Português de Sociologia, Sessão Plenária Mundos da Sociologia, Sociologias do Mundo (25-28).

    Pais, J. (2010). Lufa-lufa quotidiana: ensaios sobre cidade, cultura e vida urbana. Lx: ICS.

    Pinto, J. (2020). Estados (Des)unidos da Europa: a hora do futuro. Lx: Sílabo.

    Pinto, J. (2021). Terrorismo Religioso. A realidade no feminino. Lx: Sílabo.

    Serrano, M. (Org.). (2013).  Um retrato das instituições sociais na sociedade contemporânea. Évora: Universidade de Évora.

    Saturnino, R. (2020). Novas formas de performance social no contexto digital da economia da partilha, Estudos em Comunicação, 31, 191-213.

    Silva, P. Seabra, C. & Cunha, I, (2019). Smartphones: o sistema nervoso da comunicação líquida. Media & Jornalismo, 19 (34): 65-81.




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