
Class Sociology of Leisure, the Body and Sports

  • Presentation


    The course aims to provide conceptual and empirical tools for a sociological approach to leisure and sport.
    It presents concepts, perspectives and topics of the Sociology of Leisure and Sport, and adjacent social sciences, which contribute to the understanding of leisure and sport as a complex and multidimensional social phenomenon, in relation to other spheres and social institutions. The topics are identities, culture and socialization, gender, race and ethnicity, social class, racism, violence, globalization, (digital) media and commercialization of leisure and sport. The role of the body in the context of sports and leisure activities will be analyzed.
    The course presents the main statistical and documentary sources, as well as national and international studies, enabling the development of a sociological understanding of sport and leisure.
    It develops a critical understanding of leisure and sport, and the application of sociological knowledge to their empirical manifestations.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Contents (C):

    C1. Introduction to the Sociology of Sports, Body and Leisure
    1. Leisure and sport in Western Societies
    2. Interdisciplinarity in the study of Leisure and Sport
    3. Leisure, Body and Sport in professional sociological associations 
    4. Statistical and documentary sources


    C2. Sociology of Leisure: theoretical approaches
    1.    Notions of otium, free time and leisure
    2.    The relation between work and leisure 
    3.    Sociological approaches to leisure


    C3. Sociology of Leisure: themes
    1.    Body and Leisure
    2.    Themes in the Sociology of Leisure


    C4. Sociology of Sport: theoretical approaches
    1. Sport as part of the civilizational process (Elias)


    C5. Sociology of Sport: themes
    1.    Body and sports
    2.    Themes in the Sociology of Sport


  • Objectives


    The course has the intended learning outcomes (LO):
    LO1: describe and apply theoretical approaches, concepts and themes in the fields of the Sociology of Leisure and Sport;
    LO2: explain sport and leisure as a result of the civilizational process;
    LO3: identify the main sources and studies on sport and leisure, and apply it;
    LO4: analyse and explain the relevance of leisure and sport in contemporary western societies;
    LO5: analyse the role of the body in sports and leisure activities.


    The course also aims to develop the following transversal competences:

    • creativity
    • communication skills (written and oral)
    • synthesis skills
    • analytical skills
    • critical thinking
    • teamwork
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The course adopts a teaching-learning methodology based on lectures, accompanied by audiovisual materials (eg videos, podcasts, etc.), and followed by debates and exercises, enabling students to apply their knowledge.
    Continuous assessment reflects the emphasis on applying theoretical knowledge in empirical contexts and aim to bring academia closer to society.
    Assessment elements are research work - with an empirical element (40%); review of two scientific texts (20%), sociological analysis of a film (15%); test (25%).
    The preparation for the research work includes tutorials in the classroom. The themes of the research work, the texts to be critically reviewed, and the film to be watched and analyzed, will be defined by the teacher and students, together, based on the syllabus and bibliography. The works will be presented in the classroom.

  • References


    Blackshaw, T. (2015). Routledge handbook of leisure studies. Routledge.

    Coakley, J. (2021). Sports in Society: Issues and Controversies (13rd ed). McGraw-Hill. 

    Elias, N. e Dunning, E. (2019). A Busca da Excitação: Desporto e lazer no processo civilizacional. Edições70

    Fine, G.A.(1979).Small groups and culture creation: the idioculture of Little League Baseball Teams. American Soc.Review, 44(5),733-745

    Jarvie, G.; Thornton, J. e Mackie, H. (2018). Sport, Culture, and Society. Routledge.

    Marivoet, S. (2015). O que é Futebol?. Escolar.

    Rojek, C.; Shaw, S. e Veal, J. A. (eds) (2006). A Handbook of Leisure Studies. Palgrave.

    Seabra, D. (2019). Claques de Futebol. Afrontamento

    Tiesler, N. C. e Domingos, N. (2012). Futebol Português. Política, Género e Movimento. Afrontamento.

    Veblen, T (2019). A Teoria da Classe do Lazer. Atual. 

    Wacquant, L. (2021). Body & Soul: Notebooks of an Apprentice Boxer (2nd ed). OUP

    no. tematico "Media, comunicação e desporto" da revista Mediapolis (2019).





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