
Class Conception and Practice of Training Methods

  • Presentation


    This UC is taught by different teachers, seeking that students acquire the following skills: a) Identification and classification of different classes or families of soccer training methods; b) Conceptual definition of each training method and mean, as well as the aims to be achieved, the construction rules, moments of the effects and limitations in their application. c) Prescription, application and repetition of training methods and means aimed at improving the performance of the players and the team; d) Evaluation and control of the training level in the context of assimilation and development of the team's game model. e) Use and manipulation the different constrains. f) Introduction of the major trends in the football game, in order to adjust and adapt the training methods and means to the new and demanding realities.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    The contents of this CU are based on 6 essential pillars: 1) The taxonomy of the football game's training methods: a) Exclusivity and Universality, b) Guiding Principles, c) Horizontal Dimension, d) Vertical Dimension e) Diagonal Dimension . 2) General methods of preparation: a) resistance, b) strength, c) speed, d) flexibility. 3) Specific methods of general preparation: a) technical improvement, b) maintenance of ball possession, c) circuit, d) playful. 3) Specific methods of preparation: a) finalization, b) meta-specialized, c) standardized, d) intersectoral, e) tactical schemes, f) competitive. 4) Planning the application of training methods in the session and the training microcycle. 5) Handling of components and structural constraints of training methods. 6) Development of evolutionary trends in the game of football today and its impact on the design and operationalization of training methods.

  • Objectives


    The main aims of this UC are the design, presentation, application / repetition and correction of the general preparation methods, the specific methods of general preparation and the specific methods of preparing football, as well as their planning and periodization within the framework of the programming units (session and microcycle), using the different functional and structural conditions. Attention is also given to the impact of the evolutionary trends of the game in the teaching / training process of the football game.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    In a specialized tutorial regime and with the use of instruments, the teachers stimulate the students' creativity and operability regarding the multiple support tools for the qualified practice of Football.

  • References


    Casanova, F. (2015). The importance of perceptual-cognitive skills in soccer: A new insight. Lambert Academic Publishing, Germany. ISBN:978-3-659-78104-9.

    Casanova, F., & Pacheco, R.P. (2020). O Léxico do Futebol Português. Edições Universitárias Lusófonas, em parceria com a Federação Portuguesa de Futebol e a Portugal Football School. Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN: 978-989-757-132-9.

    Castelo, J. (2009). Futebol. Organização dinâmica do jogo. Ed. IJniversitárias Lusófonas (3a edição). Lisboa.

    Castelo, J. (2008). Futebol. Conceptualização e organização de métodos específicos de treino. Visão e Contextos.

    Martin D., Carl K., Lehnertz, & K. (2001). Manual de Metodologia Del Entrenamiento Deportivo. Editorial Paidotribo

    Teoldo, I.; Oliveira, J.; Garganta, J. (2015). Para um Futebol jogado com ideias: conceção, treinamento e avaliação do desempenho tático de jogadores de Futebol. In Appris (Ed.). Curitiba, Brasil.


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