
Class Artificial Intelligence, Law and Market

  • Code


  • Objectives


    To prepare students in the scope of the legal aspects brought about by new technologies, in particular by systems equipped with Artificial Intelligence.

    This topic, despite deserving the attention of international Legal Science for more than three decades, does not integrate the general training offered in the first cycle of Law courses.

    This is a topic with profound legal implications at the most diverse levels of the Society, therefore, it is observed, particularly in recent years, the proliferation of studies, in the different areas of Law, aimed at finding solutions to the challenges brought by these new technologies.

    In addition, legislative initiatives are currently underway within the European Union with the aim of producing specific legislation for this area.

    At the same time, essential knowledge is provided on the implications of AI for Society and companies.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Classes will be of theoretical-practical nature, accompanied by a review of recent scientific literature and analysis of national and international jurisprudence with presentation of digital / multimedia content.

    The evaluation will take into account the relevant participation of the students in each class (20%) and the demonstration of knowledge acquired in the theoretical and practical plan through the realization of an essay (80%).


  • References


    Alain Bensoussan and Jérémy Bensoussan   2015    Droit des robots, Bruxelles, Larcier.

    Ascensão, J. D. O. 2008 Direito Civil - Direito de Autor e Direitos Conexos (Reimp). Coimbra: Coimbra Editora

    Barbosa, M. M. 2017 Inteligência artificial, e-persons e direito: desafios e perspectivas. Revista Jurídica Luso-Brasileira, (6), 1475-1503.

    Barbosa, M. M. 2020 O futuro da responsabilidade civil desafiada pela inteligência artificial: as dificuldades dos modelos tradicionais e caminhos de solução. Revista de Direito Civil V 2, 261-306.

    Barfield, W., & Pagallo, U. 2020 Advanced Introduction to Law and Artificial Intelligence. Edward Elgar Publishing.

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