
Class Epistemologies of the Social Sciences of Education

  • Presentation


    The Epistemology of Science is an area of doctoral training and is unavoidable, considering that a doctoral student is a scientist in training. It is intended that the research that will be developed to produce a thesis will contribute to the corpus of the science of the researcher's election. Thus, a UC in which he knows what science is, how it is done, as it is stated, what institutional relations it produces, as it has been understood and valued over time, will be a fundamental UC in the curriculum of the doctoral student, future scientist. On the other hand, the doctoral student must also know how to problematize not only science but also the sciences, learning how to be situated in the controversy in which the Social Sciences, in general, and the Educational Sciences, in particular, have been trapped, not only during the twentieth century but also facing the changes in the perspective of postmodernism and trends of thought nowadays


  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Definition of the concept - science or sciences? The scientific method - method or methods? The institutionalization of science

    The affirmation of science and scientists

    Science and Society
    Epistemology of Sciences
    Epistemologies and epistemologies: Dilthey, Dewey, Escola de Frankfurt, Bachelard, Popper, Piaget, Bordieu, Foucault, Prigogine, Morin e Latour  
    Epistemology of Social Sciences

    The corpus of knowledge, doing and the place of the Educational Sciences


  • Objectives


    Distinguish science from other corpora of knowledge. 

    To know how science is done, as it is stated, how it is institutionalized, and how it has been understood and valued over time. 

    Reflect on the thinking of some of the leading epistemologists of the 20th century: Dilthey, Dewey, Escola de Frankfurt, Bachelard, Popper, Piaget, Bordieu, Foucault, Prigogine, Morin e Latour  

    Problematize the role, ways of doing and place of the Social Sciences within the existing corpus of knowledge 

    Identify the main challenges that currently arise to the Educational Sciences and the scientist who works/intends to work in the area.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The UC will be developed using active methodologies, involving the doctoral student in the process of curriculum development and teaching-learning through flipped classes, seminars, carrying out and presenting commented readings, and small group work, followed by plenary discussion in classes. The Moodle platform will be used, digital tools such as the Padlet, and the scientific texts will be complemented with other resources such as informative videos, films, etc. The criteria assessment (by reference to criteria) will be implemented in formative (with self-assessment and feedback) and summative modalities.

  • References


    • Almeida, J.F. (2007). Velhos e novos aspetos da epistemologia das ciências sociais. Sociologia, Problemas e Práticas, 55, p.11-24. 
    • Amado, J. (2011). Ciências da educação – Que estatuto epistemológico? Revista Portuguesa de Pedagogia, Extra-série, p. 45-55.
    • Biesta, G. (2020). Educational research. An unorthodox introduction. Bloomsbury.
    • ________(2022). World-centred education. A view for the present. Routledge. 
    • Santos, B. S. (1989). Introdução a Uma Ciência Pós-Moderna. Edições Afrontamento.


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