
Class Criminal Procedure Law

  • Presentation


    The UC of Criminal Procedural Law intends to develop complex themes from a theoretical and practical perspective, stimulating the critical analysis of the regime and its application.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Evidence in criminal proceedure

    1.1. The truth in criminal proceedure

    1.2. Thema probandum and object of the proceedings

    1.3. Presumption of innocence and burden of proof

    1.4. Prohibitions of Proof and Prohibited Evidence

    1.5. The European Investigation Decision: the problem of evidence circulation

    2. Appeals

    2.1. Defense guarantees and right to appeal

    2.2. Structure of appeal law in criminal proceedings

    2.3. Evidence and appeals: In particular, the extraordinary revision appeal

  • Objectives


    The main objective, presupposing the previous consolidation of knowledge and skills, aims at enabling critical reflection on complex problems of criminal proceedings, as well as enabling the ability to develop solutions, taking into account the implications of the proposed solutions.

    Through the critical exploration of the syllabus, it is intended that the student acquires skills for the problematic-critical assessment of complex criminal procedure issues.

  • References


    ANDRADE, Manuel da Costa (2013), Sobre as Probições de Prova em Processo Penal (Reimp.), Coimbra: Coimbra Editora

    CORREIA, João Conde (2010), O 'Mito do Caso Julgado? e a Revisão Propter Nova, Coimbra: CE/WK;

    CALHEIROS, Maria Clara (2015), Para uma Teoria da Prova, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora

    GODINHO, Inês Fernandes (2017), "Considerações a propósito do princípio do contraditório no processo penal português", Revista da Faculdade de Direito e Ciência Política da ULP, Vol. 10, n.º 2, p. 95 e s.;

    MENDES, Paulo de Sousa (2018), Causalidade Complexa e Prova Penal, Coimbra: Almedina; 



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