
Class Kinetic Typography

  • Presentation


    To increase differentiated but complementary levels of knowledge of the evolutionary processes of Kinetic Typography. To evaluate the various evolutionary processes of Kinetic Typography. To discuss the trends of Kinetic Typography in Graphic Design, Cinema, Television and Internet.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Criteria of time and movement in Kinetic Typography. -Implicit movement. -Static, diagonal and jagged. -Animated letters. -Loop Logo 2. Concepts of function, form and design in animated typography. -Chromatic variations. -Variations in transparency. -Multiple modes of variations. -Time and space. 3. Kinetic and Phonetic Typography -Sound dynamics. -Rhythm, volume, intonation and timbre. 4. Storyboard. - Script and screenplay of the creative process. - Moments of a kinetic sequence 5. Kinetic QR code Technology. - Translating static content to moving images and text.
  • Objectives


    Animate text by changing the position of a word so that it appears to move as if it were a character. Use QR code technology to translate static content into moving images and text. Identify KineticTypography as a tool to enhance a brand. Investigate how brands are using Kinetic Typography to tell stories.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Resource on transdisciplinary methodologies, the current contextualisation of the understanding of 'transdisciplinarity' as a new studio model, with an expanded structure, specific to contemporary artistic practice; the updating of the distinction between 'transdisciplinarity' and 'interdisciplinarity'; the confrontation and relationship between the use of the internet as a 'studio' and the simultaneous need for this as a physical space. the simultaneous need for it as a physical space... if artists and designers continue to require a studio, do they not continue to require a studio, should not the way in which they mobilise it mobilise it be a reason to analyse their practice?   'Transdisciplinarity' as a new kind of 'intelligence' reflecting a harmony between mind, affect and body and its influence on the need for a 'reform of the University'; the definition of disciplinary boundaries and the nature of the possibilities of their transgression.
  • References


    ROXANE, Jubert, (2006), Typography and Graphic Design: From Antiquity to the Present, Flammarion, Paris. HELLER, Steven, (2004), Education of a typographer, Allworth Press, New York. BRINGHURST, Robert, (2004), The Elements of Typographic Style, Hartley and Marks Publishers, 3rd edition, Vancouver. HOCHULI, Jost, (2004) Detail in typography, Letters, letterspacing, words, wordspacing, lines, linespacing, columns, Hyphen Press, London. BAINES, Phil/HASLAM, Andrew, (2002), Type & Typography, Laurense King Publishing, London.  
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