This UC aims to provide Students with technical and conceptual skills in Creative Code, using the bases of the Processign Model of generative project creation using the P5.js Code Library. This UC does not include learning to build source codes, rather, it comprises learning and gaining conceptual literacy for creating creative projects, using the large sharing community and library of P5.js, e experimental, from processes such as Generative Design. The main topic of this UC is the perception, by the Students, of the capabilities and possibilities that the Designer has with the understanding of the potential of using codes (in this case in the JavaScipt language) for the construction of projects, both experimental and applicability real, in the case of professional outlets such as Front-End Development.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Bachelor | Semestral | 4
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
2 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
Analysis and contextualization of Generative Design; Generative Design: Experimentation and Interactivity; Introduction to programming language; Programming and its features/possibilities; Applicability of programming in Design; Introduction to JavaScript programming language; Processing development model; Introduction to P5.js; P5.js in Browser; P5.js and Processing; P5.js: features; P5.js: possibilities; Interface and experiences; Interaction and developments; Coordinate systems and figures; Color; Program Forms and Flow; Code optimization and debugging; VsCode and local work (on the desktop) VsCode and Github (generating a url for viewing projects) Development of experimental and interactive projects; Creation of private code library; Sharing Projects, references and best practices to the Community/Library P5.js.
The Student of UC Design Technologies I will obtain skills in basic programming in the JavaScript language using Processing as a development base, in a joint work with the open source library P5.js. The objectives of this course are to provide students with basic knowledge in programming for non-programmers, using P5.js in a browser to create drawings, shapes, patterns, animations, games, visual experiences, interactive experiences, etc. This Course Unit aims to bring the Student closer to Generative Design, Interaction and Experiences using the JavaScript language as a foundation, Processing as a development and P5.js as a tool.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Learner-centred Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is proposed which involves groups of learners working together to solve a real-world problem. Students are encouraged to understand concepts through problem-solving skills. Students will have the opportunity to develop skills related to teamwork, project management, oral and written communication, self-awareness and evaluation of group processes, critical thinking and analysis, explanation of concepts, self-directed learning, application of course content to real-world examples, research and information literacy, and problem solving across disciplines.
McCARTHY, Lauren et al. Getting Started with p5.js. USA. Maker Media, 2015. BENEDIKT, Gross et al. Generative Design. Princeton, USA. Princeton Architectural Press, 2018. ENGIN, Arslan. Learn JavaScript with P5.js ¿ Coding for Visual Learnings. USA. Apress, 2018. REAS, Casey & FRY, Ben. Processing: A Programming Handbook for Visual Designers and Artists, Second Edition. Massachussets, USA. The MIT Press, 2014. SHIFFMAN, Daniel. Learning Processing, Second Edition: A Beginner's Guide to Programming Images, Animation, and Interaction. USA. Morgan Kaufmann, 2015. ZHANG, Yu & FUNK, Mathias. Coding Art: The Four Steps to Creative Programming with the Processing Language. USA. Apress, 2021.
Office Hours
Office Hours