
Class Criminal Procedure Law

  • Presentation


    The discipline of Criminal Procedural Law I is a discipline which, being procedural in nature, has enormous practical relevance.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Introduction to criminal procedural law

    2. The legal-constitutional conformation and structure of criminal procedure

    3. General principles of criminal procedure

    4. The subjects of the process

    5. Procedural acts

    6. Measures of Coercion and Asset Guarantee

    7. Evidence in criminal proceedings

    8. The procedural process

    9. Special proceedings

    10. Criminal mediation

  • Objectives


    It is intended that the student gain accurate knowledge about each of the different points of the Syllabus, allowing him or her to acquire a solid understanding of the Portuguese criminal procedure in its essential elements able to serve as a basis for practical application. It is intended that the student has deep, accurate and accurate knowledge regarding the structure and constitutional conformation of criminal proceedings, as well as regarding the general principles of criminal proceedings. It is intended, with equal precision and rigor, that the student identifies and assimilates the status of the various procedural subjects, apprehends a dynamic and integrated dimension of the procedural process, whether the Criminal Procedure in the common form, or in its special forms.

  • References


    ANTUNES, Maria Joa¿o, Direito Processual Penal, Coimbra: Almedina (u¿ltima edic¿a¿o disponi¿vel);

    DIAS, Jorge de Figueiredo (2004), Direito Processual Penal, 1a ed, Reimp, Coimbra: Coimbra Editora;

    GODINHO, Ine¿s Fernandes (2021), Direito Processual Penal II. Sumários Desenvolvidos, Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas

    ROQUES, Flávio Serrano (2022), Direito  Direito Processual Penal I. Elementos de Apoio às Aulas Práticas, Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas


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