
Class Written and Oral Communication Techniques in Forensic Context

  • Presentation


    This UC aims to foster in students the need for knowledge and understanding of the main forensic concepts, especially with regard to written and oral expression techniques in the work of a criminologist. It also aims to initiate students in the analysis and reflection of the constructs present in professional practice, as well as the underlying principles and rules of communication, promoting rigorous work, communication, promoting a work of rigor and adequacy to formal situations of communication, specifically in a forensic communication situations, specifically in a forensic context

  • Code


  • Syllabus



    The architecture of a speech Phonic competence: voice, diction and articulation

    Prosodic competence: rhythm, intonation and emphasis

    Lexical competence: richness, variation and appropriateness of vocabulary

    Syntactic competence: syntactic rules and use of discourse articulators.

    Pragmatic competence: discourse cohesion and coherence

    Lexical modifiers and argumentative operators

    Principles of linguistic courtesy

    Extralinguistic competence: facial and body language


    Intentions and text types (CV, formal letter, report, complaint, scientific article)

    Lexical competence: richness, variation and appropriateness of vocabulary

    Syntactic competence: syntactic rules and use of discourse articulators

    Pragmatic competence: etiquette and linguistic formalities

    Use of professional formulas of address Spelling and punctuation (special emphasis on the use of the comma).

  • Objectives


    This curricular unit provides written and oral expression techniques appropriate to the demands of formal communication situations, specifically in a forensic context, so that students can
    communicate with clarity, accuracy and linguistic correctness, in order to raise their messages to a level of excellence. excellence.
    After attending this unit, learners should:
    Communicate with clarity, accuracy and linguistic correctness;
    Master the different components of the Portuguese language: phonetics, syntax, lexicon and pragmatics;
    Master the rules of spelling and punctuation;
    Improve communication skills, aimed at the clarity and effectiveness of the message;
    Know how to adapt communication to different contexts and audiences;
    Know the specificity of different types of text, in order to promote versatility in written communication. written communication

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies will be based on the following strategies: carrying out awareness-raising and diagnostic activities awareness-raising and diagnostic activities; resolving linguistic doubts and eliminating oral and written expression errors; clarifying relevant clarification of relevant techniques to improve oral and written expression; realization of oral and written oral and written expression activities to consolidate and practice the techniques and knowledge acquired. acquired. The evaluation of the curricular unit will result from the frequency (100%)

  • References


    • FERNANDES, Cidália (2004). Argumentar é Fácil. Lisboa: Plátano
    • CARNEGIE, Dale (2011). Como fazer amigos e influenciar pessoas. Lisboa: Lua de Papel
    • CIALDINI, Robert (2019). Influência. A Psicologia da persuasão. Lisboa: Sinais de Fogo
    • CURY, Augusto (2018). Gestão da Emoção. Lisboa: Pergaminho
    • ESTRELA, Edite, M. Almira Soares E M. José Leitão (2010). Dicionário de dúvidas, dificuldades e subtilezas da língua portuguesa. Lisboa: D. Quixote
    • GARNER, Bryan A. (2018). Escrita Empresarial. Lisboa: Conjuntura Actual Editora
    • PROVOST, Gary (2017). Cem maneiras de melhorar a escrita. Lisboa: Guerra & Paz Editores
    • TAVARES, Sandra Duarte (2019). Comunicar com Sucesso. Lisboa: A Oficina do Livro
    • TAVARES, Sandra Duarte (2016). Falar bem, Escrever melhor - Dicas úteis e exemplos claros para um uso eficaz da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livro TAVARES, Sandra Duarte (2015). 500 erros mais comuns da Língua Portuguesa. Lisboa: A Esfera dos Livros
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