
Class Portugal and the European Union

  • Presentation


    The curricular unit- Portugal and the European Union - proposes the analysis of the relationship between Portugal and the European Union through the learning of legal-political tools. Thus, the study of subsidiarity stands out as the main decoding principle of the allocation of competences within the European Union.
    Studying the sharing of competences between the Member States and the institutions of the European Union leads to knowledge and critical reflection on issues of sovereignty and models of the European welfare state.
    Through the Portuguese perspective, the European Union is analyzed in its effective relationship with its Member States and its role in current international challenges and global governance is envisaged.
  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Part I - The European Construction: framework and historical evolution
    1. The European project after World War II.
    2. Portugal's accession to the EEC.
    3. The Europeanist vision and the new Portuguese geostrategic concept.
    4. Portugal: between Europe and the Atlantic.
    Part II - The Community legal order and the sharing of competences between Member States and the European Union
    1. The distribution and attribution of competences among the Member States of the European Union.
    2. Subsidiarity in the community order.
    3. Subsidiarity in the Portuguese internal order.
    4. Representation of Portugal in the European Institutions.
    Part III - Portugal and the new European challenges
    1. National citizenships and European citizenship.
    2. The crisis of the welfare state.
    3. The crisis of sovereign states.
    4. Defense and common security.
  • Objectives


    The main objective of the curricular unit - Portugal and the European Union - is to provide students with theoretical knowledge about the functioning of the European Union in a relational perspective with the Member States, mainly with regard to Portugal.
    Students must develop research skills and critical competence in the field of the principle of subsidiarity in order to be able to:
       1. Identify the norms that support the relationship between Portugal and the institutions of the European Union.
       2. Recognize the distribution and attribution of competences between Portugal and the European Union.
       3. Critically question the balance between shared responsibilities and national sovereignty.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    The classes will take place in the theoretical and theoretical-practical models and the methods used will be
    essentially expository and interrogative. The pedagogical techniques to be used will be: the technique of
    exhibition; ice-breaker technique; brainstorming technique; case study technique; technique of
    group work and discussion technique.
    For continuous assessment - Occurrences and Observation Sheets. 2 Assessment Tests with
    qualitative and quantitative measurement. The curricular unit will have continuous assessment with analysis of
    frequency and participation. The grade will be assigned according to the following parameters:
    Attendance and participation - 10%
    2 tests - 45% (each)
    Students who do not obtain positive results in the Final Frequency assessment (grade equal to or
    higher than 10 points) will have to take an Exam.
  • References


    Mangerona, Sílvia (2021). Subsidiariedade: Doutrina Política e Modelo de Estado. Lisboa: Editora Princípia.

    Mateus, Augusto (coord.). (2015). Três Décadas de Portugal Europeu: Balanço e Perpectivas. Lisboa: Fundação Manuel dos Santos.

    Moniz, Jorge Botelho (org.). (2022). O Futuro da União Europeia: Política, Economia, Estado de Direito e Religião. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas.

    Neutel. Fernanda (2019). A Construção da União Europeia. Da Segunda Guerra Mundial à Emergência de uma Fronteira Externa Comum. Lisboa: Edições Silabo.

    Reis, Liliana (2020). Instituições, Órgãos e Organismos da UE. Lisboa: Almedina.

    Rose, R., Trechsel, A. H. (2014). Portugal nas Decisões Europeias: Uma Perspectiva Comparada. Lisboa: Editora Francisco Manuel dos Santos

    Wallace, H., Pollack, M. & Roederer-Rynning,C. (2020). Policy-Making In The European Union. 8th Edition. Oxford: Oxford University Press.




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