
Class Technology-Based Entrepreneurship and Innovation

  • Presentation


    Entrepreneurship helps developing a country, mainly in times of crisis, we notice actions to undertake. In this context, this curricular unit aims to stimulate students to develop a entrepreneurial spirit focusing on innovation, preparing students to strive on search of innovative ideias and solve problems. 

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    • Introduction to Technology based entrepreneurship and innovation
      • What is a entrepreneurship ? What is an entrepreneur? Presenting UC, professor, students, FUC ( with objectives, expectations, avaliation, methodology etc)
    • Competences and skills of an entrepreneur
    • "Think outside the box¿
    • Creation and evaluation of ideas
    • Creativity and innovation
    • Industrial property rights and protection
    • Market
      • Proofs of market ( Reliable data sources, interviews, surveys)
    • Canvas Business Model. Business plan.
    • How create a winning pitch?
    • Funding. Who supports entrepreneurship, research and development?  .


  • Objectives


    This course aims at : providing a range of  knowledge about entrepreneurship and help the student to identify the characteristics of an entrepreneur; Promoting an academic environment to stimulate creativity and innovation; Helping students to evaluate their own competencies. Encouraging students  to think outside the box; Helping students to develop a business plan; To provide information about brands and patents (industrial property rights),how to get funds;  developing soft skills to lead with conflicts and defend own ideas; developing skills to make a project about the new  product idea, present a great pitch and  convince potential stakeholders

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Active learning

    At class, students are motivated to learn about specifics topics by investigating, thinking and  discussing. Writing and discussion are valued.

  • References


    • SARAIVA, P.M. Empreendedorismo: Do conceito à aplicação, da ideia ao negócio, da tecnologia ao valor.3.ed. Coimbra: Imprensa da universidade, 2015. ISBN: 978-989-26-0991-1
    • SARKAR,S. Empreendedorismo e inovação. 3.ed. Lisboa: Escolar Editora, 2014. ISBN: 978-972-592-406-8


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