
Class Materials Engineering

  • Presentation


    This Curricular Unit (UC) include an Introduction to Material?s Science and Materials Engineering; Atomic Structures and respective bonding forcrs; Cristaline Structure and Cistaline Geometry; Solidification; Cristaline Defects and Difusion in Solid materials; Mechanical Properties of Materials ; Phase Diagrams; Fabrication of Steelsand respective Phase Diagrams; Tessting to determine teh Mechanical Properties of Materials: Tensile Test; Bending; Resilience, Toughness, Fatigue and Creep, Stainless Steels, Heat Treatments; Steel Corrosion; Polymer; Ceramics and Composite Materials their structural charachteristics and applications.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    A produção de materiais e seu processamento de modo a obterem-se produtos acabados são parte essencial da economia moderna e portanto componente essencial da engenharia , cabendo aos engenheiros conceber a maioria dos produtos fabricados e defini as tecnologias para a sua produção. Dado que qualquer produto engloba materiais, os engenheiros devem conhecer a estrutura interna e as propriedades desses materiais , de modo a estarem aptos a seleccionar os mais adequados pra cada aplicação e serem capazes de desenvolver os melhores métodos de produção

  • Objectives


    To understand materials behaviour ( pure metal and and metal alloys) when they are submited to heating and cooling processes during different thermal fabrication processes.

    To recognize the origin of the main material's defects and to be able to identify their origins and ways to avoid them.

    To be able to identify materials modifications when sumited to different physical, thermal and environmental conditions

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Lectures delivered by external subjects related with materials as nanomaterials

    Laboratory lectures about , where materials come from

  • References


    • Smith, William F. - Princípios de Ciência e Engenharia dos Materiais ,Terceira Edição.Lisboa: McGraw-Hill de Portugal.ISBN: 972-8298-68-4


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