
Class Maintenance Management

  • Presentation


    The aim of this subject is to provide students with an integrated overall view of concepts, techniques and strategies most common used in Maintenance Management. A decision support system for maintenance is presented in order to allow students to solve the main maintenance management problems and to help them making the best decisions.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. Maintenance organization and management concepts.
    2. Maintenance and Maintenance Function in the organizational structure.
    3. Physical Asset Management.
    4. Implementation of maintenance plans.
    5. Application of maintenance effectiveness concept and improvement tools.
    6. Implementation of effectiveness / efficiency / economic / and financial KPI (Key Performance Indicators).
    7. Application of economic / financial management concepts.
    8. Implementation of results control systems.
    9. Application of efficiency improvement tools through resource optimization.
    10. Maintenance Organization and Management Models: TPS; Just In Time; Jidoka (Poka Yoke, Andon); 5S; PMS; Lean Maintenance; PDCA cycle; 6 Sigma; Method A3; GUT matrix; Ishikawa diagram; Brainstorming; SWOT analysis.
    11. Maintenance Management Software: Implementation of SWGM, SMIT and MAXIMO IBM.
  • Objectives


    Students should acquire skills in the following fields:

    1. Understand the concepts and principles related to the organization of maintenance management.
    2. Know the normative references of maintenance management.
    3. Understand the concepts of operational maintenance management.
    4. Understand the concept of maintenance effectiveness.
    5. Know the effectiveness improvement tools.
    6. Understand the concepts of economic / financial management of maintenance.
    7. Understand the concept of maintenance efficiency.
    8. Know the efficiency improvement tools by optimizing resources.
    9. Global analysis of maintenance performance.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment


    Active and deductive exposure methods supported by Power Point slide projection. Case resolution using practical examples.

    Practical work.

    Presentation of some Maintenance Management Software (SWGM, SMIT, IBM) by companies that produce this Software.


    Continuous evaluation:

    Attendance, punctuality: 10% weight Practical work: 30% weight

    Frequency on various subjects: 60% weight

    The student will pass the continuous assessment if the weighted average is 10 or higher. Final Exam:

    The student will pass if the exam result is 10 or higher.

  • References


    Assis, R. (2010): Apoio à decisão em manutenção na gestão de activos fisicos. Lisboa: 1ª Edição, Lidel, Edições técnicas, Lda.ISBN: 9789897521126.

    Assis, R. (2010): Apoio à Decisão em Gestão da Manutenção - Fiabilidade e Manutenibilidade. Lisboa: 1ª Edição, Lidel, Edições técnicas, Lda.ISBN: 9789727572984.

    Cabral, J. P. S. (2009): Gestão da Manutenção de equipamentos, instalações e edifícios. LIDEL, Biblioteca Industria & Serviços.

    Amaral, F. D. (2016): Gestão da Manutenção na Indústria. Lisboa: 1ª Edição, Lidel, Edições Técnicas Lda. ISBN 978-989-752-151-5.

    Didelet F. P. (2016): Manutenção de Instalações Técnicas. Lisboa: 1ª Edição, Publindústria. ISBN: 9789897231407.

    FARINHA, J. M. T. (2018): Asset Maintenance Engineering Methodologies. CRC Press; 1 edition (May 29, 2018). English. Printed in USA. ISBN-10: 1138035890. ISBN-13: 978-1138035898

    FARINHA, J. M. T. (2011): Manutenção -  A Terologia e as Novas Ferramentas de Gestão. MONITOR, Lisboa, Portugal. ISBN 978-972-9413-82-7.




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