The Logistics module intends to provide recent scientific and academic knowledge on the main aspects of the logistics activity, with particular focus on the methods, models and techniques used in the production and services industry. The relevance of Logistics for the study cycle is related to the transversality of the concepts covered in the module and its importance for the management of flows and storage of goods, services and information.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Bachelor | Semestral | 5
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
2 | Mandatory | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
S1 - An overview of Logistics;
S2 - Activities in the Logistical channel;
S3 - Logistics and Information Technology;
S4 - Demand management and Procurement;
S5 - Basic Logistics concepts and tools;
S6 - Forecasting methods;
S7 - Stock management;
S8 - Warehousing management;
S9 - Transportation Management;
S10 - Main issues and mitigation forms.
The Logistics module aims to provide students with knowledge of the main areas of Logistics, providing them with the skills necessary for an efficient management of the logistics function in an industrial organization.
LO1 - Identify the main concepts and functions associated with Logistics;
LO2 - Understand the issues associated with storing goods;
LO3 - Develop analysis capacity related to demand management, inventory management, warehouse management and transport management levels;
LO4 - Promote discussion in peer groups to solve complex real problems through the application of decision support techniques, models and methods in the field of Logistics;
LO5 - Apply the acquired knowledge (set of techniques, models and decision support methods) in new situations through simulation.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Priority will be given to the use of programming software for the management of stocks and movements/transports (use of the Python programming language).
Manuais adotados pela UC Logística:
- Rushton, A., Croucher, P., & Baker, P. (2022). The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers.
- Wurst, C., & Graf, L. (Eds.). (2021). Disrupting Logistics: Startups, Technologies, and Investors Building Future Supply Chains (p. 298). Cham: Springer.
- Murphy, P., Knemeyer, A. (2018). Contemporary logistics. Pearson Education Limited, United Kingdom.
- Christopher, M. (2016). Logistics & supply chain management. Pearson Uk.
- Rushton, A., Croucher, P., & Baker, P. (2014). The handbook of logistics and distribution management: Understanding the supply chain. Kogan Page Publishers.
Office Hours
Office Hours