(1) Provide students with technical knowledge of Judo in the area of their intervention in the school context, in order to provide them with the self-confidence, dexterity, and self-control necessary to solve complex combat situations;
(2) Understand the educational value of Judo and combat sports in the training of students;
(3) Achieve safety and respect for their physical integrity and that of their colleagues, when introducing the Judo approach;
(4) Know the rules and methodological bases of Judo and the respective adaptation to training;
(5) Ability to organize, prescribe and evaluate the content of sessions/classes, as well as an appropriate intervention in School Sports competitions, in the training stages of the judoka;
(6) Execute in exercise criterion, in collaboration with one or more colleagues, techniques of falls, immobilizations, and Judo projections and in the transition from foot to the ground in situations of training or competition.
Class from course
Class from course
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Degree | Semesters | ECTS
Bachelor | Anual | 12
Year | Nature | Language
Year | Nature | Language
3 | Optional | Português
Prerequisites and corequisites
Prerequisites and corequisites
Not applicable
Professional Internship
Professional Internship
1. Characterization of the specific effort in Judo: motor and psychological skills, technical and tactical content, adapted to students in the school context.
2. Fundamentals of training periodization and the development and training of motor skills and their application in Judo: structural elements and respective functions.
3. Effects of training: types and means of control and evaluation.
4. Study and comparative analysis of the organization of different models of planning of training in the various stages of the formation of the judoka.
5. Conceptual planning (concept, nature, objectives, means, principles, and steps).
6. Judo techniques: 6.1. Falls (UKEMIS); 6.2. Immobilization (OSAEKOMI-WAZA: Kesa-Gatame Group); 6.3. Projection (NAGE-WAZA: Force torque, lever); 6.4. Handles and Displacements (Introduction to the different types of Kumikatas and Displacements) 6.5. Pedagogical Progressions in Judo; 6.6. Principles of initiation to combat on the ground, standing, and competition.
Understand, substantiate and develop a multi-year plan for teaching Judo, from a systemic perspective involving a wide range of elements that are part of the training process.
Master the methodological bases of Judo and their adaptation to classes and training in the school context.
Establish and question the relationships and interactions between the usual training components, namely motor, technical-tactical, cognitive, and psychological skills.
Understand, establish and make consistent the permanent interaction between objectives, processes, methodologies, results, and evaluation.
Competence to plan the development of the student and a School Sports team in the short, medium, and long term in the training of young judoka.
Perform in exercise criteria, in collaboration with one or more colleagues, techniques of falls, immobilizations, and Judo projections and in transitioning from foot to the ground in training or competition situations.
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Teaching methodologies and assessment
Watching videos, using observation sheets, and performing analysis of technical execution. Use of different pedagogical means and materials with innovative methodologies and support for teaching and learning.
Balyi, I., Way, R., & Higgs, C. (2013). Long-term athlete development . Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Bompa, T., & Buzzichelli, C. (2015). Periodization ¿ Training for Sports (3 rd ed.). Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics.
Cornelis van Kooten, G. (2016). Re-Considering Long-Term Athlete Development on Coach Education: An Illustration From Judo. International Sport Coaching Journal , 2016, 3, 83-89, Human Kinetics, Inc. INSIGHTS http://dx.doi.org/10.1123/iscj.2015-0058
Garcia, J. (2012). Rendimiento en Judo. Editorial Virtual Sports.
Franchini, E., Del Vecchio, F., Matsushigue, K., & Artioli, G. (2011). Physiological Profiles of Elite Judo Athletes. Sports Medicine, 41(2), 147-166.
F.F.J.D.A., Autores vários (2001). Méthode Française d´Enseignement du judo-jitsu. Paris: FFJDA.
Veloso, R., Cachada, J. M., & Aranha, A. (2010). Uma Abordagem Didáctica ¿ Ideias e Sugestões de Trabalho. Vila Real: UTAD.
Office Hours
Office Hours