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Class Theory and Methodology of Sports Training

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    Fundamental syllabus:

    1. Load and Adaptation in training
    2. Sports Capacities: Endurance, Strength, Speed, Flexibility and Coordination.
    3. Components of the training process - training analysis: physical, technical, tactical and psychological.
    4. Sports Training Levels - Youth and Adult Sports Performance and Competition.
    5. Principles of sports training, load components, effects of training.
    6. Training Planning and Periodization: Long Term Preparation Models; Macro, Meso and Micro Structure. Periodization Models.
    7. Evaluation and control of the training process.
  • Objectives


    The U.C. Its essential objective is to promote the acquisition of knowledge and skills necessary for the intervention of the teacher/coach, in the context of the training and competition process, in the different stages of the training of the athlete, student or practitioner.

    Its main learning objectives are:

    1. Mastering and relating the contents of training theory, relating them to the specifics of each branch and/or modality, in the historical, technical-tactical and organizational plans.
    2. Prescribe training programs, organizing and managing the entire training process (and competition, even if informal), namely in the development of motor skills.
    3. Use terminology and intervention strategies appropriate to different situations – for each modality, specificity or branch.
    4. Cooperate in the elaboration, development and evaluation of the institutions' sports project.
    5. Identify each phase and moment of the practitioner's development, using appropriate assessment methods.
  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Continuous Assessment (70% attendance):

    To be develop in proper chapter



    In the Exams, the student will have to submit a Planning Project for a Sports Season, depending on what is defined for the continuous assessment process - unless have successfully completed it (rating equal to or greater than 10 points), during continuous assessment.

    There will be a mandatory oral test for all students who, in the sum of the written test (65%) with the project (25%) and the work (10%), obtain a classification equal to or greater than 9.5 – this oral test will be started whit work’s presentation.

  • References


    ·Alter, M. (2004). Science of Flexibility . Human Kinetics. USA

    ·Anguera, M. T., & Mendo, A. H. (2013). La metodología observacional en el ámbito del deporte [Observational methodology in sport sciences]. E-balonmano. com: Revista de Ciencias del Deporte, 9(3), 135-160.

    ·Bompa, T.O. (2002). Periodização: Teoria e Metodologia do Treinamento. Phorte Editora, S. Paulo, Brasil.

    ·Browm, L. & Ferrigno, V. (2005). Training for Speed, Agility and Quickness . Human Kinetics. Leeds, UK.

    ·Cunha, P. (2018). O Treino da Resistência nas Modalidades Cíclicas. Anuário do Treino Desportivo. Comité Olímpico de Portugal. Visão & Contextos, Lisboa.

    ·Pezarat Correia, P., Mil-Homens, P., & Mendonça, G. (2015). Treino da Força. Vol I. Edições FMH

    ·Pezarat Correia, P., Mil-Homens, P., & Mendonça, G. (2017). Treino da Força. Vol II. Edições FMH

    ·Raposo, A. (2017). Planeamento do Treino Desportivo - Fundamentos, organização e operacionalização. Visão & Contextos. Lisboa.

  • Office Hours

    Office Hours

    Nome do docente

    Horário de atendimento


    Paulo Cunha

    3ª feira-  15:00 – 16:00

    Gab. Coordenação ou online

    Carlos Cruz

    3ª feira-  15:00 – 16:00

    Sala a definir ou online

    Luís Monteiro

    3ª feira-  15:00 – 16:00

    Sala a definir ou online

    Sérgio Ramos

    3ª feira-  15:00 – 16:00

    Sala a definir ou online

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