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Class History Of Physical Education and Sports

  • Presentation


    What gives value to past facts is the possibility of being considered not as a dead past but as a past alive. Understand historically the past is to incorporate the knowledge of experiments, is to learn from what we've done and servirmo us this knowledge so we can intervene decisively in the development process. It is not a matter of simply narrating-describe events or, to appeal to a feeling dweller (or romantic), around certain memories, but to develop a critical thinking so we know who we are, where we are and where we want to and we must go. Thought us and discovered in historical thought. We need to understand the changes, this is the thought expressed in the resolution of problems that have marked our constitutive process and, thus, what we are. It is essential to capture this process in such a way that breaks the traditional division between the past, present and future.

  • Code


  • Syllabus


    1. The importance of history in the process of knowledge. The concept of education, physical education, sports, culture and society:


    1.1-the nature and the culture. The notion of bodily techniques; 1.2-physical education and sport in the general framework of education and culture.


    2. The physical activities and education in the primitive community, antiquity and middle ages:


    2.1-physical activities within the framework of classical culture.


    3. The humanist movement and physical education:


    3.1-the realistic education. The empiricism and naturalism.


    4. The pedagogical thinking in physical education and sport:


    4.1-the precursors of physical education and sport in the European context.


    5. The Hygienism, exercise and health in Portugal:


    5.1. The life, death and the pleasure in Modern Portugal;


    5.2. The curriculum in Portugal medicalization.


    6 the training of physical education teachers in Portugal:


    6.1-The different institutions and different conceptions of formation.


  • Objectives


    - The course is organized in order to promote a critical interpretation of the powers and knowledge of the constituent physical education and sport.


    - Features themed demonstrating understanding of orally programmatic content of analysed and discussed in one of the master classes.


    - In the exercises that performs in class demonstrates know discuss the practice of physical education and sport as social and cultural phenomenon and evaluate in the learning process.


    - Is able to respond in writing to questions put to him, learn to interpret the characteristics of different stages of physical education and sport in your relationship with the cultural context of each season.


    - Is able to draw up a work to demonstrate that dominates the terminology and the conceptual framework of the physical education and sports, enjoying social phenomena critically in the light of historical data.

  • Teaching methodologies and assessment

    Teaching methodologies and assessment

    We have selected master classes, theoretical-practical and tutorial guidance. With the master classes, the theoretical framework of the discipline is carried out, using the techniques considered most appropriate. In these classes, a conceptual framework is presented that supports and assists the student in his autonomous research. In theoretical-practical classes, texts are analyzed, worksheets are made, etc., giving the student an active role as a builder of his own learning. The student is successful if he obtains the final grade of 9.5 values, and cannot have a grade lower than 7.5v in any of the tests.  The final classification will be obtained from the following weightings (see evaluation standards at the end of the document): 2 Frequencies of individual achievement (50%); Two oral presentations of a historical problem - group realization (15%); Portfolio - individual achievement (15%); group work (20%).

  • References


    Braudel, F. (1986). História e ciências sociais. Lisboa: Editorial Estampa.


    Brás, J. (2008). A higiene e o governo das almas: o despertar de uma nova relação. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 12, 113-138.


     Brás, J. V. & Gonçalves, M. N. (2009). Os saberes e poderes da Reforma de 1905. Revista Lusófona de Educação, 13, 101-121.


    Brás, J. V., Gonçalves, M. N. (orgs.) (2013). O Corpo? Memória e identidade. Lisboa: Edições Universitárias Lusófonas. ISBN: 978-989-8512-68-0.

    Crespo, J. (1990). A História do Corpo. Lisboa: Difel


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